Às 16:54 de 01/07/2024, Sorkin, John escreveu:
#I am trying to write code that will create a matrix with a variable number of 
columns where the #number of columns is 1+Grps
#I can do this:
NSims <- 4
Grps <- 5
DiffMeans <- matrix(nrow=NSims,ncol=1+Grps)

#I have a problem when I try to name the columns of the matrix. I want the 
first column to be NSims, #and the other columns to be something like Value1, 
Value2, . . . Valuen where N=Grps

# I wrote a function to build a list of length Grps
createValuelist <- function(num_elements) {
   for (i in 1:num_elements) {
     cat("Item", i, "\n", sep = "")

# When I try to assign column names I receive an error:
#Error in dimnames(DiffMeans) <- list(NULL, c("NSim", createValuelist(Grps))) :
# length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent
dimnames(DiffMeans) <- list(NULL,c("NSim",createValuelist(Grps)))

# Thank you for your help!

John David Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine;
Associate Director for Biostatistics and Informatics, Baltimore VA Medical 
Center Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center;
PI Biostatistics and Informatics Core, University of Maryland School of 
Medicine Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center;
Senior Statistician University of Maryland Center for Vascular Research;

Division of Gerontology and Paliative Care,
10 North Greene Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-1524
Cell phone 443-418-5382

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Sorry for my first answer, I thought you only wanted to name the matrix columns. After reading the OP again, this time actually reading it, I realized you also want to create the matrix. This is even in the question title line :(.

create_matrix <- function(nsims, ngrps, First = "NSims", Prefix = "Value") {
  # could also be paste0(Prefix, seq_len(ngrps))
  grp_names <- sprintf("%s%d", Prefix, seq_len(ngrps))
  nms <- c(First, grp_names)
  matrix(nrow = nsims, ncol = 1L + ngrps, dimnames = list(NULL, nms))

NSims <- 4
Grps <- 5
create_matrix(NSims, Grps)
#>      NSims Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 Value5
#> [1,]    NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
#> [2,]    NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
#> [3,]    NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
#> [4,]    NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

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