If length( levels( a1$cat ) ) is not very large, and the structure suggested in the toy example holds in the actual case (probes in a2 do not 'overlap' and are in order according to a2$st and a2$en, then this might do:

unsplit(lapply(levels(a1$cat), function(x) {
+   tmp1 <- subset( a1, cat==x )
+   tmp2 <- subset( a2, cat==x)
+   findInterval( tmp1$en, tmp2$st )-findInterval( tmp1$st, tmp2$en+1 )
+ }), a1$cat)
[1] 1 1 2 2 0 1



On Sun, 3 Aug 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is a way to speed up your toy example:

a1 <- data.frame(id = 1:6,
                cat = paste('cat', rep(1:3, c(2,3,1))),
                st = c(1, 7, 30, 40, 59, 91),
                en = c(5, 25, 39, 55, 70, 120))

a2 <- data.frame(id = paste('probe', 1:8),
                cat = paste('cat', rep(1:3, c(2,3,3))),
                st = c(1, 9, 20, 38, 53, 70, 80, 95),
                en = c(6, 15, 36, 43, 58, 75, 85, 98))

c1 <- outer(a2$st , a1$en , "<=")
c2 <- outer(a2$en , a1$st , ">=")
c3 <- outer(a2$cat, a1$cat, "==")

a1$coverage <- colSums(c1*c2*c3)

This won't work in one step if a1 has 30000 rows and a2 has 200000,
unless you memory size is approximately infinite, so you will need a
loop.  Suppose you can handle 1000 probes at a time.  You might be able
to get away with something like this:

chunk <- 1000  ### make as large as possible!

checkCoverage <- function(a1, a2)
colSums(outer(a2$st , a1$en , "<=") *
       outer(a2$en , a1$st , ">=") *
           outer(a2$cat, a1$cat, "=="))

coverage <- numeric(N <- nrow(a2))
m2 <- 0
while(m2 < N) {
        m1 <- m2 + 1
        m2 <- min(m2 + chunk, N)
        coverage[m1:m2] <- checkCoverage(a1, a2[m1:m2, ])
a1$coverage <- coverage

(Warning: untested code.)

Failing that, go to C code and be done with it.

BTW, why did you think apply() was going to be useful here?

Bill Venables
CSIRO Laboratories
PO Box 120, Cleveland, 4163
Office Phone (email preferred): +61 7 3826 7251
Fax (if absolutely necessary):  +61 7 3826 7304
Mobile:                         +61 4 8819 4402
Home Phone:                     +61 7 3286 7700

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Anh Tran
Sent: Saturday, 2 August 2008 4:04 PM
To: rlist
Subject: [R] convert for loop into apply()

Hi all,I know this topic has came up multiple times, but I've never
understand the apply() function.

Anyway, I'm here asking for your help again to convert this loop to

I have 2 data frames with the following information: a1 is the fragment
is need to be covered, a2 is the probes that cover the specific

I need to count the number of probes cover every given fragment (they
to have the same cat ID to be on the same fragment)

a1<-data.frame(id=c(1:6), cat=c('cat 1','cat 1','cat 2','cat 2','cat
3'), st=c(1,7,30,40,59,91), en=c(5,25,39,55,70,120));
a2<-data.frame(id=paste('probe',c(1:8)), cat=c('cat 1','cat 1','cat
2','cat 2','cat 3','cat 3','cat 3'), st=c(1,9,20,38,53,70,80,95),

I came up with this for loop (basically, if a probe starts before the
fragment end, and end after a fragment start, it cover that fragment)

for (i in 1:length(a1$id))

[1] 1 1 2 2 0 1

This loop runs awefully slow when I have 200,000 probes and 30,000
fragments. Is there anyway I can speed this up with apply()?

This is the time for my for loop to scan through the first 20 record of
  user  system elapsed
 2.264   0.501   2.770

I think there is room for improvement here. Any idea?

Anh Tran

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