when I used cbind to combine columns, some contents of columns has been 
replaced by
number. in the script below, column should be aaa,bbb,ccc but I was given 1,2,3.
but when I change the column to vector, it gave me correct contents. can you 
tell me why?
> d<-read.table("aaa.txt")
> d
   V1  V2
1 aaa 123
2 bbb 345
3 ccc 986
> cbind(d[,1],d[,2])
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1  123
[2,]    2  345
[3,]    3  986
> cbind(as.vector(d[,1]),d[,2])
     [,1]  [,2] 
[1,] "aaa" "123"
[2,] "bbb" "345"
[3,] "ccc" "986"

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