Dear R users,

I have found several functions in the Icens package (such as EM, EMICM et al.) 
as well as the function prodlim of the prodlim-package to compute the NPMLE of 
a variable's survival function with interval-censored data. However, I haven't 
found out, whether it is possible to also compute the corresponding confidence 
intervals (with these or any other function). Does anybody know how to 
calculate these confidence intervals?


Thanks a lot for any hint!




Klaus Langohr

Statistician, PhD

Grup de Recerca Clínica en Farmacologia Humana i Neurociències.

Programa de Recerca en Neuropsicofarmacologia

IMIM-Hospital del Mar


Barcelona Biomedical Research Park

Doctor Aiguader, 88 | 08003 Barcelona

Tel. +34/ 933 160 458 | Fax +34/ 933 160 467



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