If I execute

        R CMD Rd2dvi foo.Rd

I get messages of the form:

Converting Rd files to LaTeX ...
Creating dvi output from LaTeX ...
Saving output to 'foo.dvi' ...
cp: .Rd2dvi4366/Rd2.dvi: No such file or directory
xdvi-xaw: Fatal error: foo.dvi: No such file.

Indeed if I add the --no-clean flag and then cd to the .Rd2dvi<whatever>
directory, I find that there is no Rd2.dvi file there.  There *are*
files Rd2.tex and Rd2.tex.pre present.  And moreover if I execute

        latex Rd2

I get a perfectly acceptable Rd2.dvi file.

I don't find a file ``foo.dvi'' anywhere.

Note that ``R CMD Rd2dvi --pdf foo.Rd'' works seamlessly and produces foo.pdf
as expected.

When I look at the sh code in Rd2dvi I get the impression that ``R_LATEXCMD'' is defined only when the --pdf flag is on, and it seems that this is what is or should be used to do the actual latex processing. The comments at the
point where the latex processing looks like it is taking place refer to
``R_LATEXCMD'' being ***re*** defined for --pdf, but as far as I can the
only place where it is defined at all is for the --pdf case. But I could be
wrong since I don't really understand what is going on here.

I'm sure that R CMD Rd2dvi (without the --pdf flag) worked for me in the past. Something seems to have changed as consequence of an upgrade. Has a bug crept into R CMD Rd2dvi or is there something weird about my system? I'm currently
using R 2.8.0; complete session information is:

R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)


attached base packages:
[1] datasets  utils     stats     graphics  grDevices methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] misc_0.0-9     fortunes_1.3-5 MASS_7.2-44

Can anyone suggest where to start looking for the source of my problem?



                Rolf Turner

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