On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 02:52:10PM +0100, Oliver Bandel wrote:
> OK, but I thought, when touching the data, it will
> recalculate the levels. Now I see, it does not.

No it doesn't - for the reasons given in my explanation.

> > >> x <- factor(c('A','B','C','A','C'))
> > >> y <- x[x!='C']
> > >> y
> > > [1] A B A
> > > Levels: A B C
> > >> factor(y)
> > > [1] A B A
> > > Levels: A B
> Sorry, this looks to me like you throw out all the values,
> where the unwanted attribute is. (?!)

Correct, that's what my example does to create a factor with
missing levels.

> That is not what I meant.

I know, but it does not matter how you got a factor with missing
levles - both problem and solution are the same.

> Or at least it's disturbing because
> you use one value, not working on a data-frame, as I do.

Not a real difference either - a data.frame is just a collection
of vectors and/or factors. So all you need to do apply this to
whatever column holds the factor in question:

foo$bar <- factor(foo$bar)

You may want to have a look at the Introdution to R - especially
the section on data frames.

> After some experimentation I found out the following solution:
> ========================
> weblog <- read.table("web.log") # reading the log
> weblog$V8[ weblog$V8 == "-" ] <- 0  # substituting "-" by 0
> # and now changing the levels-attribute to the new values !!
> attr(weblog$V8, "levels") <- levels( factor( as.vector(weblog$V8) ) )

weblog$V8 <- factor(weblog$V8)

is all you need.

> But after I found that, I saw, that this was a detour from what I
> tried when I started, and now using I do the following:
> ========================
> weblog <- read.table("web.log") # read in the weblog
> weblog$V8[ weblog$V8 == "-" ] <- 0 # substituting "-" by 0
> weblog$V8 <- as.numeric( as.vector(weblog$V8) ) # changing it to numeric


> x <- factor(c(0,1,3,4,5,7))
> x
[1] 0 1 3 4 5 7
Levels: 0 1 3 4 5 7
> as.numeric(x)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6

See "7.10 How do I convert factors to numeric?" in the R-FAQ for

As you are reading the data from a file anyway, the simplest
solution would probably be to use the colClasses argument ot
read.table in order to get numeric avlues in the first place.


Dr. Philipp Pagel
Lehrstuhl für Genomorientierte Bioinformatik
Technische Universität München
Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan
85350 Freising, Germany

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