Following the example in

You might want to try something like:
> barchart(Tuberize~Family|factor(Year)*factor(Hr),data=tuber,
+                       panel = function(y,x,...){
+                       panel.barchart(x,y,...)
+                       panel.text(x,y,label = tuber$Tuberize, pos=3)
+       }
+ )

It still needs some work to increase the ylim so the values are not obscured at the upper ranges of the panels, but this should point you in the right direction.

David Winsemius

On Nov 21, 2008, at 7:14 PM, Piya Kittipadakul wrote:

I have question: how can I put the value on the bar chart.
This my code:

This's my data:
   Year Hr Family Tuberize
1  2007 20      A     0.26
2  2007 20      B     6.08
3  2007 20      C     0.00
4  2007 20      D     0.27
5  2008 20      A     1.18
6  2008 20      B     9.17
7  2008 20      C     0.00
8  2008 20      D     2.13
9  2007 14      A    35.83
10 2007 14      B    38.98
11 2007 14      C     7.90
12 2007 14      D    18.75
13 2008 14      A    43.70
14 2008 14      B    51.84
15 2008 14      C    27.11
16 2008 14      D    24.11
17 2008 11      A    85.67
18 2008 11      B    93.73
19 2008 11      C    81.45
20 2008 11      D    90.25
21 2007  8      A    63.04
22 2007  8      B    66.29
23 2007  8      C    70.85
24 2007  8      D    83.48
25 2008  8      A    83.33
26 2008  8      B    92.31
27 2008  8      C    82.21
28 2008  8      D    94.03

Thank you

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