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On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 4:30 AM, David Winsemius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I could not tell from the help file whether rotation of the x labels is
> supported in heatmap.2. I did read (perhaps in one of the linked to help
> files)  that rotation  was only allowed with "text" and I was left wondering
> if it might be possible to use text(x) and list(rot=90) as arguments to a
> scales call.
> At any rate, the results of this worked levelplot example from Sarkar's
> text is worth considering:
> data(Cars93, package="MASS")
> library(lattice)
>  cor.Cars93 <- cor(Cars93[, !sapply(Cars93, is.factor)], use ="pair")
>  levelplot(cor.Cars93,  scales =list(x=list(rot=90)))
> --
> David Winsemius
> On Nov 25, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Jun Ding wrote:
>  Dear R users,
>> I have a question regarding how to make row labels readable in a heat map.
>> I have successfully made a heat map using function "heatmap.2" in the
>> package "gplots". However, as there are many rows in the heat map, I have
>> difficulties labeling them (heatmap.2 provides a parameter "labRow" to label
>> the row names, but as I have too many rows, I can not make them readable).
>> Do you have any suggestions to improve the labeling?
>> I am thinking about using multiple columns to label the row names instead
>> of one column(the default in heatmap.2). I have tried to use "mtext" to
>> write texts on the margin of the heat map, but it could not work either. Do
>> you think this can work? How can I know the coordinates of each row in a
>> heat map?
>> Thank you very much!
>> Jun
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