
On 26 Nov 2008 at 22:53, Kinoko wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to convert my "character" sequences in my matrix/
> data.frame into "numeric" where it is possible.
> I would also like to retain my alphabetic character strings in their
> original forms. "5.1"     >   5.1 "hm"     >  "hm"
> k<-matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)
> mode(k) <- "numeric"
> # ln1  coerces numeric chars into "character"  and
> # ln2  replaces alphabet chars with NA  (with warnings)
> #   => OK as matrix can't have mixed types

Perhaps there is a simpler solution, but this should work:

 k <- matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1 ,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)

 write.table(k,"'xx.txt", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="'\t", 
 k <- read.table("xx.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t")

> k<-matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)
> g<-as.data.frame(k, stringsAsFactos=FALSE)
> g[,2]
> # returns:
> # [1] 1 2
> # Levels: 1 2
> # hm... let them be levels then...
> sum(g[,2])
> # going down in flames
> g[,2] <- as.numeric(g[,2])
> sum(g[,2])
> # is the winner of the day,
> # but I have a hunch that there must be something more trivial/general
> solution.
> - I'm looking for something like, as.data.frame(...
> as.numeric.if.possible=TRUE) ,
> if possible.
> - Mainly, I don't know in advance if a column has alphabetical or
> numeric characters. -  I have relatively large matrices (or a
> relatively slow PC) (max 100,000 x 100 "cells"), if that matters
> *** *** *** *** ***
> Another related problem of mine is to create data.frames with mixed
> types (it should be possible, shouldn't it).
> d<-data.frame("b"=seq(1,3))
> d<-cbind(a,b)
> typeof(d)
> # "d" was coerced into "character"

## In this case you can do:

 a <- c("aa", "bb", "cc")
  d <- data.frame(a=a, b=seq(1, 3))

## or

  d <- data.frame(b=seq(1, 3))
   d$a <- c("aa", "bb", "cc")

> any help is greatly appreciated,
> gabor
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