Hello List,

I have been using Sweave for my homework this last quarter and have been
very impressed at how much time and effort it saves me.  I, however, have
run up against a problem which I have not been able to solve using any of
the Sweave/LaTeX tricks I know.  I work through my homework one problem at a
time, typesetting equations and writing R code, etc. and occasionally use
'Stangle()' from within R to extract the code if I need to pin down a
problem or experiment interactively.  I would like to be able to include
this resultant code in a verbatim environment in my final TeX'ed up document
as an appendix so that the grader can look it over, etc.  I could implement
this in any number of ways using linux tools, but would like to know if
there is a clean way to do so using LaTeX or Sweave so that the latest
version of the code is included in my homework each time I run 'R CMD Sweave
HW4.Rnw; pdflatex HW4.tex'.

e.g I envision something such as:

<<fig3, echo=false, results=hide, fig=true, eps=F>>=

TA here is my code:

% some manner of Sweave/LaTeX macro to include the R code tangled out of
this '.Rnw' document
% in this case it would just be 'plot(runif(1000))', perhaps manually
enclosed in a verbatim environment

I am running R-2.6.2 on Ubuntu Hardy Heron.

Thanks for all your help with Sweave.  I think it is a fantastic tool.


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