Dear R People:

In the DASL library, there is a story about hot dogs.

Here are the data:
Beef    186     495
Beef    181     477
Beef    176     425
Beef    149     322
Beef    184     482
Beef    190     587
Beef    158     370
Beef    139     322
Beef    175     479
Beef    148     375
Beef    152     330
Beef    111     300
Beef    141     386
Beef    153     401
Beef    190     645
Beef    157     440
Beef    131     317
Beef    149     319
Beef    135     298
Beef    132     253
Meat    173     458
Meat    191     506
Meat    182     473
Meat    190     545
Meat    172     496
Meat    147     360
Meat    146     387
Meat    139     386
Meat    175     507
Meat    136     393
Meat    179     405
Meat    153     372
Meat    107     144
Meat    195     511
Meat    135     405
Meat    140     428
Meat    138     339
Poultry 129     430
Poultry 132     375
Poultry 102     396
Poultry 106     383
Poultry 94      387
Poultry 102     542
Poultry 87      359
Poultry 99      357
Poultry 107     528
Poultry 113     513
Poultry 135     426
Poultry 142     513
Poultry 86      358
Poultry 143     581
Poultry 152     588
Poultry 146     522
Poultry 144     545

Here is my work:
> dog1.df <- read.table(file="dog1.dat",,header=F,
+ col.names=c("type","cal","sodium"))
> dog1.aov <- aov(cal~type,data=dog1.df)
> summary(dog1.aov)
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
type         2 17692.2  8846.1  16.074 3.862e-06 ***
Residuals   51 28067.1   550.3
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> TukeyHSD(dog1.aov)
  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = cal ~ type, data = dog1.df)

                   diff       lwr       upr     p adj
Meat-Beef      1.855882 -16.82550  20.53726 0.9688129
Poultry-Beef -38.085294 -56.76667 -19.40391 0.0000277
Poultry-Meat -39.941176 -59.36515 -20.51720 0.0000239

> plot(dog1.aov)

When I look at the QQ plot, it's quite "snaky".
I thought that doing a transformation (based on boxcox) would help
with the snakiness.

However, when I re-run with the transformation, it's still snaky.

Any suggestions, please?


Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown

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