Thanks, Frank. I am an old newbie, so your advice was not straightforward to me, but it nudged me to look at the structure of the contents object. I did solve the problem by passing the contents data frame in the contents object. Using the example dfr from Dieter,

> g <- contents(dfr)
> g

Data frame:dfr  20 observations and 2 variables    Maximum # NAs:0

  Levels Storage
x         double
y      2 integer

|Variable|Levels     |
|    y   |female,male|

> str(g)
List of 6
 $ contents  :'data.frame':     2 obs. of  2 variables:
  ..$ Levels : int [1:2] 0 2
  ..$ Storage: Factor w/ 2 levels "double","integer": 1 2
 $ dim       : int [1:2] 20 2
 $ maxnas    : int 0
 $ dfname    : chr "dfr"
 $ Levels    :List of 1
  ..$ y: chr [1:2] "female" "male"
 $ longLabels: NULL
 - attr(*, "class")= chr ""

> g$contents
  Levels Storage
x      0  double
y      2 integer

latex(g$contents, caption='hello', label='mylabel',file='')

This may be useful to others. But sounds like this has not been a high traffic issue!

- Mike

On Dec 30, 2008, at 8:35 AM, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:

J Michael Dean wrote:
Thanks, Dieter, for your response shown below.
dfr <- data.frame(x=rnorm(20),y=sample(c('male','female'),20,TRUE))
cnt <- contents(dfr)
latex(cnt,label="tab:mytab",caption="This is a caption")
The problem is that I only want to display cnt[1] - I am simply making a table that shows the structure of a dataframe, and I do not want the variable levels from contents.
> class(cnt)
[1] ""
> class(cnt[1])
[1] "list"
When I execute your example, it does work, but if I change it to latex(cnt[1]...) then the caption and label do not work because latex.list() is executed.
- Mike

What we really need is a latex method for contents. As I usually include latex(describe(mydata), file='') in an Sweave report I haven't needed this. If any others need it I'll probably write In the meantime you can take the object produced by contents( ) and remove the value levels components, then pass the smaller object to latex().

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair           School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University

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