Hello, I'm EDWIN, I create (make) GUI, with call many function
but I don't know why when I call function I can't. if without function, Yes
I can..

can you help me ? can you make this, become true with full code?
Can you help me to
create data.entry with interface
10                           value

library(MASS)   # MASS berisi tools untuk fitting robust regression 

ambil<-function() {
data <- read.csv("F:/data.csv") 
plot<-plot(data[,2],data[,3], xlab="Euro",ylab="Rupiah",main="Plot Euro, dan 

data <- read.csv("F:/data.csv") 
x <- data[,2]
y <- data[,3]

function seluruhlinier(){
plot(x, y)
fred <- lm(y ~ x)
curve(predict(fred, data.frame(x = x)), add = TRUE)
beta1.hat <- coefficients(fred)[1]
beta2.hat <- coefficients(fred)[2]
n <- length(x)

beta1.star <- double(nboot)
beta2.star <- double(nboot)
for (i in 1:nboot) {
    k.star <- sample(n, replace = TRUE)
    x.star <- x[k.star]
    y.star <- y[k.star]
    sally <- lm(y.star ~ x.star )
    curve(predict(sally, data.frame(x.star = x)),
        add = TRUE, col = "plum")
    beta1.star[i] <- coefficients(sally)[1]
    beta2.star[i] <- coefficients(sally)[2]
points(x, y, pch = 16)
curve(predict(fred, data.frame(x = x)),
   add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
data.frame (beta1.hat,sd(beta1.star),beta2.hat,sd(beta2.star),beta2.hat / 


function seluruhrobust(){
plot(x, y)
fred <- rlm(y ~ x)
curve(predict(fred, data.frame(x = x)), add = TRUE)
beta1.hat <- coefficients(fred)[1]
beta2.hat <- coefficients(fred)[2]
n <- length(x)

beta1.star <- double(nboot)
beta2.star <- double(nboot)
for (i in 1:nboot) {
    k.star <- sample(n, replace = TRUE)
    x.star <- x[k.star]
    y.star <- y[k.star]
    sally <- rlm(y.star ~ x.star )
    curve(predict(sally, data.frame(x.star = x)),
        add = TRUE, col = "plum")
    beta1.star[i] <- coefficients(sally)[1]
    beta2.star[i] <- coefficients(sally)[2]
points(x, y, pch = 16)
curve(predict(fred, data.frame(x = x)),
   add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
data.frame (beta1.hat,sd(beta1.star),beta2.hat,sd(beta2.star),beta2.hat / 

function linier2(){
nboot <- 2

function linier30(){
nboot <- 30
function linier100(){
nboot <- 100

function robust2(){
nboot <- 2

function linier30(){
nboot <- 30
function linier100(){
nboot <- 100



m4 <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.geometry(m4, "+0+0")
tkpack(fr <- tkframe(m4), side = "top")
tkwm.title(m4, "Kesimpulan")
tkpack(tklabel(fr, text = "Semakin besar bootstrap, semakin besar nilai beta1*, 
dan beta2*, Beta1 topi dan Beta topi2 akan tetap sama jika diulang terus 
menerus", width = "120"), side = "left")

tkpack(fr <- tkframe(m4), side = "top")
    tkpack(tkbutton(m4, text = "OK", command = function() tkdestroy(m4)),
        side = "right")

linier<-function ()
m2 <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.geometry(m2, "+0+0")
tkpack(fr <- tkframe(m2), side = "top")
tkwm.title(m2, "Regresi Linier")
tkpack(tklabel(fr, text = "OUTPUT", width = "50"), side = "left")
tkpack(tkbutton(m2, text = "Regresi Linier B = 2",command=linier2), side = 
tkpack(tkbutton(m2, text = "Regresi Linier B = 30",command=linier30), side = 
tkpack(tkbutton(m2, text = "Regresi Linier B = 100",command=linier100), side = 

tkpack(fr <- tkframe(m2), side = "top")
    tkpack(tkbutton(m2, text = "Kembali", command = function() tkdestroy(m2)),
        side = "right")


m3 <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.geometry(m3, "+0+0")
tkpack(fr <- tkframe(m3), side = "top")
tkwm.title(m3, "Regresi Robust")
tkpack(tklabel(fr, text = "OUTPUT", width = "50"), side = "left")
tkpack(tkbutton(m3, text = "Regresi robust B = 2",command=robust2), side = 
tkpack(tkbutton(m3, text = "Regresi robust B = 30",command=robust30), side = 
tkpack(tkbutton(m3, text = "Regresi robust B = 100",command=robust100), side = 

tkpack(fr <- tkframe(m3), side = "top")
    tkpack(tkbutton(m3, text = "Kembali", command = function() tkdestroy(m3)),
        side = "right")

rp.messagebox("Selamat Datang di Aplikasi Regresi Bootstrap \nOleh: Edwin 
Wibisono (0800760383)", title="Bootstrap Regresi")


    tt <- tktoplevel()
    tkwm.title(tt, "Bootstrap Regresi")
    frm <- tkframe(tt,borderwidth=400)
    f.but <- tkbutton(tt,text="Buka 


#+ file.show(fn,header=fn,title='')})

m <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(m, "Bootstrap Regresi")
tkwm.geometry(m, "+0+0")
tkpack(fr <- tkframe(m), side = "top")
tkpack(tklabel(fr, text = "Aplikasi Bootstrap untuk Regresi Linier dan Regresi 
Robust", width = "50"), side = "left")
tkpack(tkbutton(m, text = "Gambar Plot",command = ambil), side = "left") 
tkpack(tkbutton(m, text = "Regresi Linier",command =linier), side = "left")
tkpack(tkbutton(m, text = "Regresi Robust",command =robust), side = "left")
tkpack(tkbutton(m, text = "Kesimpulan",command =kesimpulan), side = "left")

tkpack(fr <- tkframe(m), side = "top")
    tkpack(tkbutton(m, text = "Keluar", command = function() tkdestroy(m)),
        side = "right")

Tanggal Euro    Rupiah  Ringgit
1/1/2008        0.6803  9468.3  3.3486
1/2/2008        0.6855  9467.6  3.3887
1/3/2008        0.6824  9393    3.3156
1/4/2008        0.6791  9417    3.2948
1/5/2008        0.6783  9452.3  3.2863
1/6/2008        0.6785  9452    3.2911
1/7/2008        0.6785  9451.6  3.3051
1/8/2008        0.6797  9442.5  3.2843
1/9/2008        0.68    9433.2  3.274
1/10/2008       0.6803  9431.4  3.2679
1/11/2008       0.6805  9434.4  3.2658
1/12/2008       0.676   9436.6  3.2589
1/13/2008       0.677   9436.6  3.2633
1/14/2008       0.677   9432.2  3.2622
1/15/2008       0.6736  9376.9  3.2614
1/16/2008       0.6726  9438.4  3.258
1/17/2008       0.6764  9438.4  3.2677
1/18/2008       0.6821  9456.2  3.2889
1/19/2008       0.6831  9453.8  3.2736
1/20/2008       0.6842  9450.9  3.2709
1/21/2008       0.6842  9464.6  3.2722
1/22/2008       0.6887  9567.9  3.2986
1/23/2008       0.6903  9483.4  3.2969
1/24/2008       0.6848  9346.9  3.2847
1/25/2008       0.6824  9360.4  3.2726
1/26/2008       0.6788  9351.2  3.2471
1/27/2008       0.6814  9351.5  3.2432
1/28/2008       0.6814  9344.3  3.2426
1/29/2008       0.6797  9348.5  3.2434
1/30/2008       0.6769  9353.6  3.2394
1/31/2008       0.6765  9247.2  3.2354
2/1/2008        0.6733  9222.7  3.2336
2/2/2008        0.6729  9224.1  3.238
2/3/2008        0.6758  9223.9  3.2476
2/4/2008        0.6758  9218    3.2859
2/5/2008        0.675   9232.3  3.2326
2/6/2008        0.678   9221.1  3.2295
2/7/2008        0.6833  9249.3  3.2328
2/8/2008        0.6856  9344.9  3.235
2/9/2008        0.6903  9248.6  3.233
2/10/2008       0.6896  9240.3  3.2323
2/11/2008       0.6896  9233.2  3.231
2/12/2008       0.6882  9278.8  3.241
2/13/2008       0.6879  9240.2  3.2409
2/14/2008       0.6862  9264.4  3.24
2/15/2008       0.6852  9220.3  3.2368
2/16/2008       0.6823  9180.1  3.2247
2/17/2008       0.6813  9180.1  3.2221
2/18/2008       0.6813  9180.7  3.2219
2/19/2008       0.6822  9191.6  3.2298
2/20/2008       0.6802  9167.1  3.2277
2/21/2008       0.6802  9161.4  3.2245
2/22/2008       0.6784  9095.1  3.2207
2/23/2008       0.6748  9168.9  3.2192
2/24/2008       0.6747  9168.4  3.2165
2/25/2008       0.6747  9166.3  3.2712
2/26/2008       0.6748  9173.1  3.2178
2/27/2008       0.6733  9067    3.2125
2/28/2008       0.665   9039    3.2033
2/29/2008       0.6611  9060.3  3.2029
3/1/2008        0.6583  9057.5  3.1961
3/2/2008        0.659   9056.5  3.1969
3/3/2008        0.659   9052.6  3.197
3/4/2008        0.6581  9094.4  3.1988
3/5/2008        0.6578  9106    3.1893
3/6/2008        0.6574  9099.5  3.1855
3/7/2008        0.6532  9032    3.1697
3/8/2008        0.6502  9050.9  3.1675
3/9/2008        0.6514  9062.1  3.1676
3/10/2008       0.6514  9041.2  3.1642
3/11/2008       0.6507  9189.1  3.1955
3/12/2008       0.651   9167.5  3.202
3/13/2008       0.6489  9124.09 3.1937
3/14/2008       0.6424  9132.42 3.1614
3/15/2008       0.6406  9208.1  3.1612
3/16/2008       0.6382  9250.69 3.1695
3/17/2008       0.6382  9198.2  3.1514
3/18/2008       0.6341  9167.6  3.1781
3/19/2008       0.6344  9165.9  3.1759
3/20/2008       0.6378  9242.14 3.1809
3/21/2008       0.6439  9242.14 3.1803
3/22/2008       0.6478  9174.31 3.1761
3/23/2008       0.6481  9041.59 3.1801
3/24/2008       0.6481  9107.47 3.1488
3/25/2008       0.6494  9208.1  3.2383
3/26/2008       0.6438  9115.77 3.1926
3/27/2008       0.6377  9140.77 3.191
3/28/2008       0.6329  9182.74 3.2065
3/29/2008       0.6336  9208.1  3.2006
3/30/2008       0.6333  9208.1  3.1916
3/31/2008       0.6333  9208.1  3.2545
4/1/2008        0.633   9208.1  3.1982
4/2/2008        0.6371  9276.44 3.1947
4/3/2008        0.6403  9216.59 3.1871
4/4/2008        0.6396  9233.61 3.1909
4/5/2008        0.6364  9182.74 3.1968
4/6/2008        0.6356  9174.31 3.1969
4/7/2008        0.6356  9174.31 3.1967
4/8/2008        0.6368  9194.2  3.1912
4/9/2008        0.6357  9182.74 3.1887
4/10/2008       0.6354  9191.18 3.1798
4/11/2008       0.632   9216.59 3.155
4/12/2008       0.6332  9165.9  3.1587
4/13/2008       0.6328  9191.18 3.1488
4/14/2008       0.6331  9208.1  3.1578
4/15/2008       0.6342  9208.1  3.1702
4/16/2008       0.6321  9191.18 3.1698
4/17/2008       0.6302  9149.13 3.1581
4/18/2008       0.6278  9216.59 3.1521
4/19/2008       0.6308  9199.63 3.1424
4/20/2008       0.6324  9191.18 3.1496
4/21/2008       0.6324  9182.74 3.1437
4/22/2008       0.6307  9167.3  3.1342
4/23/2008       0.6277  9157.51 3.1413
4/24/2008       0.6269  9165.9  3.1365
4/25/2008       0.6335  9207.5  3.1424
4/26/2008       0.6392  9242.14 3.1571
4/27/2008       0.64    9225.09 3.1542
4/28/2008       0.6401  9225.09 3.1525
4/29/2008       0.6396  9285.05 3.1594
4/30/2008       0.6407  9310.99 3.1556
5/1/2008        0.6423  9293.68 3.1585
5/2/2008        0.6429  9433.96 3.1831
5/3/2008        0.6472  9236.4  3.1693
5/4/2008        0.6485  9235.4  3.1689
5/5/2008        0.6486  9225.2  3.165
5/6/2008        0.6467  9208.1  3.1576
5/7/2008        0.6444  9182.74 3.1542
5/8/2008        0.6467  9259.26 3.1678
5/9/2008        0.6509  9242.14 3.2186
5/10/2008       0.6478  9208.1  3.2008
5/11/2008       0.6461  9259.26 3.2034
5/12/2008       0.6461  9259.26 3.2024
5/13/2008       0.6468  9233.61 3.2475
5/14/2008       0.6449  9233.61 3.219
5/15/2008       0.647   9285.05 3.2658
5/16/2008       0.6461  9293.68 3.2773
5/17/2008       0.6452  9285.05 3.2443
5/18/2008       0.6422  9267.84 3.2464
5/19/2008       0.6422  9267.84 3.2664
5/20/2008       0.6425  9259.26 3.2396
5/21/2008       0.6414  9216.59 3.2481
5/22/2008       0.6366  9225.09 3.2275
5/23/2008       0.6346  9416.2  3.2122
5/24/2008       0.635   9380.86 3.2184
5/25/2008       0.6346  9310.99 3.232
5/26/2008       0.6346  9310.99 3.2207
5/27/2008       0.6343  9319.66 3.2338
5/28/2008       0.6346  9328.36 3.2461
5/29/2008       0.6379  9354.54 3.2432
5/30/2008       0.6416  9354.54 3.2537
5/31/2008       0.6442  9372.07 3.2441
6/1/2008        0.6431  9363.3  3.2531
6/2/2008        0.6431  9363.3  3.2451
6/3/2008        0.6435  9363.3  3.2268
6/4/2008        0.644   9372.07 3.2312
6/5/2008        0.6473  9416.2  3.2517
6/6/2008        0.6469  9380.86 3.2589
6/7/2008        0.6386  9242.14 3.2602
6/8/2008        0.6356  9199.63 3.2602
6/9/2008        0.634   9199.63 3.2861
6/10/2008       0.6346  9233.61 3.2685
6/11/2008       0.643   9398.5  3.2717
6/12/2008       0.6452  9302.33 3.2742
6/13/2008       0.6467  9398.5  3.2801
6/14/2008       0.6506  9433.96 3.2791
6/15/2008       0.6504  9442.87 3.284
6/16/2008       0.6503  9442.87 3.2829
6/17/2008       0.6481  9363.3  3.2776
6/18/2008       0.6451  9302.33 3.2493
6/19/2008       0.645   9310.99 3.2578
6/20/2008       0.6441  9293.68 3.2623
6/21/2008       0.6414  9233.61 3.2597
6/22/2008       0.6409  9259.26 3.258
6/23/2008       0.6409  9259.26 3.2582
6/24/2008       0.6428  9319.66 3.269
6/25/2008       0.6431  9293.68 3.2595
6/26/2008       0.6418  9259.26 3.2621
6/27/2008       0.6371  9199.63 3.2557
6/28/2008       0.6349  9199.63 3.2632
6/29/2008       0.6333  9208.1  3.265
6/30/2008       0.6334  9189.1  3.2588
7/1/2008        0.6338  9208.1  3.27
7/2/2008        0.6342  9191.18 3.2681
7/3/2008        0.632   9182.74 3.2754
7/4/2008        0.6318  9242.14 3.2719
7/5/2008        0.637   9216.59 3.2795
7/6/2008        0.6368  9216.59 3.2735
7/7/2008        0.6368  9216.59 3.2737
7/8/2008        0.6383  9233.61 3.2648
7/9/2008        0.6371  9216.59 3.2627
7/10/2008       0.6371  9182.74 3.2495
7/11/2008       0.6355  9174.31 3.2517
7/12/2008       0.632   9132.42 3.2467
7/13/2008       0.6277  9090.91 3.2518
7/14/2008       0.6276  9090.91 3.2532
7/15/2008       0.6291  9124.09 3.2371
7/16/2008       0.6274  9115.77 3.2235
7/17/2008       0.6293  9165.9  3.2305
7/18/2008       0.6311  9174.31 3.2361
7/19/2008       0.631   9165.9  3.2461
7/20/2008       0.6312  9149.13 3.272
7/21/2008       0.6312  9149.13 3.2924
7/22/2008       0.6304  9132.42 3.244
7/23/2008       0.6294  9165.9  3.2413
7/24/2008       0.6348  9191.18 3.2433
7/25/2008       0.6378  9216.59 3.2536
7/26/2008       0.6368  9115.77 3.2515
7/27/2008       0.6368  9149.13 3.2557
7/28/2008       0.6368  9149.13 3.2548
7/29/2008       0.636   9115.77 3.2671
7/30/2008       0.637   9132.42 3.2662
7/31/2008       0.6418  9124.09 3.2644
8/1/2008        0.6411  9107.47 3.2591
8/2/2008        0.6435  9150.1  3.2717
8/3/2008        0.6427  9138.8  3.2677
8/4/2008        0.6427  9139.2  3.2679
8/5/2008        0.6419  9124.6  3.267
8/6/2008        0.6446  9099    3.2751
8/7/2008        0.6468  9082.65 3.2779
8/8/2008        0.6487  9082.65 3.2868
8/9/2008        0.6594  9276.44 3.3136
8/10/2008       0.6666  9174.31 3.3064
8/11/2008       0.6666  9182.74 3.31
8/12/2008       0.6678  9208.1  3.3233
8/13/2008       0.6712  9191.18 3.3301
8/14/2008       0.6705  9174.31 3.3179
8/15/2008       0.6718  9182.74 3.3353
8/16/2008       0.6784  9276.44 3.3515
8/17/2008       0.6811  9293.68 3.3784
8/18/2008       0.6811  9293.68 3.3513
8/19/2008       0.6794  9276.44 3.3364
8/20/2008       0.6804  9285.05 3.3379
8/21/2008       0.6781  9267.84 3.334
8/22/2008       0.6756  9208.1  3.3404
8/23/2008       0.6735  9208.1  3.3475
8/24/2008       0.6763  9233.61 3.3448
8/25/2008       0.6762  9233.61 3.3455
8/26/2008       0.6777  9250.69 3.3838
8/27/2008       0.6815  9319.66 3.3953
8/28/2008       0.6802  9242.14 3.3817
8/29/2008       0.678   9157.51 3.3843
8/30/2008       0.6796  9174.31 3.3943
8/31/2008       0.6817  9174.31 3.3857
9/1/2008        0.6817  9199.63 3.459
9/2/2008        0.6832  9233.61 3.4072
9/3/2008        0.6877  9302.33 3.4277
9/4/2008        0.6912  9560.23 3.4439
9/5/2008        0.6914  9425.07 3.4328
9/6/2008        0.7009  9337.07 3.4751
9/7/2008        0.7012  9337.07 3.4999
9/8/2008        0.701   9337.07 3.4721
9/9/2008        0.7005  9354.54 3.4383
9/10/2008       0.7076  9398.5  3.4603
9/11/2008       0.7087  9407.34 3.4604
9/12/2008       0.717   9514.75 3.475
9/13/2008       0.7105  9389.67 3.454
9/14/2008       0.7031  9372.07 3.4618
9/15/2008       0.7029  9345.79 3.4521
9/16/2008       0.7006  9276.44 3.4544
9/17/2008       0.7035  9259.26 3.4585
9/18/2008       0.7045  9425.07 3.4462
9/19/2008       0.6956  9328.36 3.468
9/20/2008       0.6988  9398.5  3.4753
9/21/2008       0.6915  9398.5  3.4633
9/22/2008       0.6914  9389.67 3.4683
9/23/2008       0.6859  9259.26 3.4248
9/24/2008       0.6778  9328.36 3.4196
9/25/2008       0.6815  9354.54 3.4289
9/26/2008       0.6815  9354.54 3.431
9/27/2008       0.6843  9389.67 3.4361
9/28/2008       0.6846  9398.5  3.4363
9/29/2008       0.6846  9416.2  3.4413
9/30/2008       0.6923  9505.7  3.4532
10/1/2008       0.6997  9532.89 3.4465
10/2/2008       0.7098  9505.7  3.457
10/3/2008       0.7188  9551.1  3.453
10/4/2008       0.7232  9425.07 3.4725
10/5/2008       0.7262  9442.87 3.5119
10/6/2008       0.7266  9469.7  3.4908
10/7/2008       0.7359  9624.64 3.4938
10/8/2008       0.7368  9532.89 3.4954
10/9/2008       0.7337  9569.38 3.5032
10/10/2008      0.7317  9569.38 3.5083
10/11/2008      0.7387  9727.63 3.5224
10/12/2008      0.7467  9803.92 3.5021
10/13/2008      0.7461  9803.92 3.576
10/14/2008      0.7366  9765.63 3.5025
10/15/2008      0.7319  9699.32 3.4953
10/16/2008      0.7361  9756.1  3.5189
10/17/2008      0.7437  9861.93 3.5333
10/18/2008      0.7432  9881.42 3.5311
10/19/2008      0.7461  9852.22 3.5323
10/20/2008      0.7461  9861.93 3.5345
10/21/2008      0.7454  9900.99 3.5287
10/22/2008      0.7549  9990.01 3.5389
10/23/2008      0.7742  10000   3.5631
10/24/2008      0.7801  9960.16 3.5798
10/25/2008      0.7903  10080.6 3.5904
10/26/2008      0.7876  9980.04 3.5747
10/27/2008      0.7928  10091   3.6146
10/28/2008      0.7991  10000   3.5805
10/29/2008      0.8007  10846   3.579
10/30/2008      0.7823  10638.3 3.5863
10/31/2008      0.7661  10787.5 3.5309
11/1/2008       0.785   10976.9 3.57
11/2/2008       0.7863  11061.9 3.5615
11/3/2008       0.7862  11049.7 3.5588
11/4/2008       0.7821  10989   3.5292
11/5/2008       0.7858  10929   3.5459
11/6/2008       0.7731  10787.5 3.538
11/7/2008       0.7779  10846   3.5539
11/8/2008       0.7844  11111.1 3.5691
11/9/2008       0.7866  11098.8 3.5514
11/10/2008      0.7864  11098.8 3.6085
11/11/2008      0.7788  11061.9 3.5488
11/12/2008      0.7875  11135.9 3.5975
11/13/2008      0.7971  11210.8 3.6097
11/14/2008      0.8004  11363.6 3.5949
11/15/2008      0.7857  11467.9 3.5936
11/16/2008      0.7932  11494.3 3.633
11/17/2008      0.7938  11507.5 3.6195
11/18/2008      0.7927  11655   3.6093
11/19/2008      0.7918  11990.4 3.6145
11/20/2008      0.7919  12048.2 3.6168
11/21/2008      0.7989  12150.7 3.6293
11/22/2008      0.7988  12300.1 3.6242
11/23/2008      0.7949  12180.3 3.629
11/24/2008      0.7948  12165.5 3.698
11/25/2008      0.7882  12180.3 3.6296
11/26/2008      0.7745  12531.3 3.6274
11/27/2008      0.771   12594.5 3.6236
11/28/2008      0.775   12626.3 3.6282
11/29/2008      0.7791  12738.9 3.6338
11/30/2008      0.7882  12837   3.7279
12/1/2008       0.7882  12837   3.7279
12/2/2008       0.7899  12755.1 3.6317
12/3/2008       0.7905  12285   3.6434
12/4/2008       0.7889  12315.3 3.6435
12/5/2008       0.7879  12062.7 3.6468
12/6/2008       0.7855  12077.3 3.6405
12/7/2008       0.7866  12121.2 3.6473
12/8/2008       0.7865  12121.2 3.6312
12/9/2008       0.7795  11862.4 3.635
12/10/2008      0.7758  11286.7 3.6256
12/11/2008      0.7717  10917   3.6211
12/12/2008      0.761   10869.6 3.5687
12/13/2008      0.7497  10989   3.5845
12/14/2008      0.7471  10952.9 3.5768
12/15/2008      0.7473  10952.9 3.5764
12/16/2008      0.7407  10917   3.5673
12/17/2008      0.7288  11123.5 3.5511
12/18/2008      0.7074  10869.6 3.5301
12/19/2008      0.6927  10917   3.476
12/20/2008      0.7083  11248.6 3.4886
12/21/2008      0.7191  11312.2 3.5475
12/22/2008      0.719   11312.2 3.4668
12/23/2008      0.7153  11160.7 3.4903
12/24/2008      0.7156  11061.9 3.4739
12/25/2008      0.7158  11223.3 3.4684
12/26/2008      0.714   11210.8 3.5176
12/27/2008      0.7119  11185.7 3.4487
12/28/2008      0.7129  11185.7 3.4503
12/29/2008      0.7129  11185.7 3.5109
12/30/2008      0.7049  11061.9 3.4884
12/31/2008      0.7095  11123.5 3.4872
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