Try this.  pattern = "EWSB" says to ignore everything in the file
before the first line containing EWSB.  It then reads the
remainder read.table style into data frame DF.

v <- "";
DF <- read.xls(v, pattern = "EWSB", sep = ",", header = TRUE)

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 9:40 AM, simeon duckworth
<> wrote:
> I am trying to figure out a way to download an Excel file and then read a
> range into R  - so that i can have a reasonably automated process.  I have
> been trying to use the RODBC package, but with little success.  I suspect
> that this isnt the right route
> Here is some code.  My aim is to read in the data starting in H69:H283 in
> sheet 2.
> v<-"";
> dest<-"C:/Data/onstest.xls"
> download.file(url=v,destfile=dest,mode="wb")
> library(RODBC)
> channel <-odbcConnectExcel(dest)
> qry <- paste("SELECT * FROM '",tbls$TABLE_NAME[2],"'",sep="")
> onstest <- sqlQuery(channel,qry)
> close(channel)
> very grateful for any help
> simeon
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