hadley wickham wrote:
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Neil Stewart
<neil.stew...@warwick.ac.uk> wrote:
I have a data frame in wide format that I'd like to convert to long format.
For example, in wide format I have:

       id      A1B1    A1B2    A2B1    A2B2
1       1       400     475     420     510
2       2       390     500     470     472
3       3       428     512     555     610
4       4       703     787     801     822
5       5       611     634     721     705
6       6       543     522     612     788
7       7       411     488     506     623
8       8       654     644     711     795

A is one repeated-measures variable with levels 1 and 2. B is a second
repeated-measures variable also with levels 1 and 2. I'd like to end up

       id      A       B       value
1       1       1       1       400
2       2       1       1       390
3       3       1       1       428
4       4       1       1       703
5       5       1       1       611
6       6       1       1       543
7       7       1       1       411
8       8       1       1       654
9       1       1       2       475
10      2       1       2       500
11      3       1       2       512
12      4       1       2       787
13      5       1       2       634
14      6       1       2       522
15      7       1       2       488
16      8       1       2       644
17      1       2       1       420
18      2       2       1       470
19      3       2       1       555
20      4       2       1       801
21      5       2       1       721
22      6       2       1       612
23      7       2       1       506
24      8       2       1       711
25      1       2       2       510
26      2       2       2       472
27      3       2       2       610
28      4       2       2       822
29      5       2       2       705
30      6       2       2       788
31      7       2       2       623
32      8       2       2       795

I've been working with reshape and with the reshape package, but with no
success for the two-time-variable case. Can anyone help please?

If you're using melt from the reshape package, once you've melted the
data, you'll need to do something like:

m$a <- as.numeric(substr(m$variable, 1, 1))
m$b <- as.numeric(substr(m$variable, 3, 3))
m$variable <- NULL

Also, things like this should work (here using stock reshape):

> xx <- reshape(x, direction="long", varying=2:5, v.names="val")
> cbind(xx, expand.grid(B=1:2,A=1:2)[xx$time,])
    id time val B A
1.1  1    1 400 1 1
2.1  2    1 390 1 1
3.1  3    1 428 1 1
4.1  4    1 703 1 1
5.1  5    1 611 1 1
6.1  6    1 543 1 1
7.1  7    1 411 1 1
8.1  8    1 654 1 1
1.2  1    2 475 2 1
2.2  2    2 500 2 1
3.2  3    2 512 2 1
4.2  4    2 787 2 1
5.2  5    2 634 2 1

Once you got your mind wrapped around it, the pattern might be easier to generalize to more complex within-subject designs.

   O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Ă˜ster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph:  (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalga...@biostat.ku.dk)              FAX: (+45) 35327907

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