Hi Everybody
I need to create a lot of frequency tables with frequencies and percentages
(and cumilative freq and % as well) for a report. freq() in prettyR give
more or less what I need.
I am trying to export the result of freq() to html but the html doesn't look
look the console output.

See the following example



x <- matrix(sample(1:3, 12, replace=TRUE), nrow=3, dimnames=list(c('A','B',
'C'),letters[1:4])) # create a 3x4 matrix with random numbers beteen 1 and 3

x # see what it looks like

fx=freq(x) # create frequency table with frequencies and % per column

fx # looks pretty good, now I want to export it to latex or html

html(fx) # I expected this to look like console output but it doesn't. Can
anything be done?

fm=as.matrix(fx) #It can't be coerced into a matrix or table (as far as i
can see)

class(fm) # it's class remains freq

Does anyone now what to do?



        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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