There's an example at the end of the pcls help file in version 1.5-0 --- just 
submitted to CRAN.


On Wednesday 25 February 2009 18:48, Benjamin Tyner wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how to fit a GAM where one or more smooth terms are
> constrained to be monotonic, in the presence of "by" variables or
> other terms? I looked at the example in ?pcls but so far have not been
> able to adapt it to the case where there is more than one predictor.
> For example,
> require(mgcv)
> set.seed(0)
> n<-100
> # Generate data from a monotonic truth.
> x<-runif(100)*4-1
> x<-sort(x)
> m <- structure(rep(1:2,50), .Label=c("one","two"), class="factor")
> f<-as.integer(m) * exp(4*x)/(1+exp(4*x))
> y<-f+rnorm(100)*0.1
> plot(x,y,xlim=c(min(x), max(x)*2))
> dat<-data.frame(x=x,m=m,y=y)
> # Show regular spline fit (and save fitted object)
> bool <- m=="one"
> yhat <- fitted(
> lines(x[bool],yhat[bool])
> lines(x[!bool],yhat[!bool])
> xx <- seq(max(x), 2*max(x), length=100)
> mm <- structure(rep(1:2,50), .Label=c("one","two"), class="factor")
> yy <- predict(, newdata=data.frame(m=mm,x=xx))
> bool <- mm=="one"
> lines(xx[bool],yy[bool], lty=2) # show effect of extrapolation
> lines(xx[!bool],yy[!bool], lty=2)
> # this is where I start running into trouble
>    sm<-smoothCon(s(x,k=10,by=m,bs="cr"),dat,knots=NULL)[[1]]
>    FF<-mono.con(sm$xp);   # get constraints
>    G<-list(y=y,
>            w=rep(1, n),
>            X=sm$X,
>            C=matrix(0,0,0),
>            S = sm$S,
>            off = 0,
>  $sp,
>            p=sm$xp,
>            Ain = FF$A,
>            bin = FF$b
>            )
> p<-pcls(G)  # fit spline (using s.p. from unconstrained fit)
> fv<-Predict.matrix(sm,data.frame(x=x))%*%p
> # can we do this without calling smoothCon directly ?
> # also having trouble here.
>    f.nofit<-gam(y~m+s(x,k=10,by=m,bs="cr"),fit=FALSE)
>    FF2 <- mono.con(f.nofit$smooth[[1]]$xp)
>    stopifnot(identical(FF, FF2))
>    G2 <- list(y = f.nofit$y,
>               w = f.nofit$w,
>               X = f.nofit$X,
>               C = f.nofit$C,
>               S = f.nofit$smooth[[1]]$S,
>               off = f.nofit$off,
>               sp =$sp,
>               p = f.nofit$smooth[[1]]$xp,
>               Ain = FF2$A,
>               bin = FF2$b
>               )
> p2 <- pcls(G2)
> fv2<-Predict.matrix(f.nofit$smooth[[1]],data.frame(x=x))%*%p2
> Many thanks
> -Ben
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