A) I predict that if you apply the str function to the second test that you will find that "con" is not numeric but rather of class character or factor. And the second test is probably not a matrix but rather a dataframe. Matrices in R need to have all their elements of the same class.

B) Read the FAQ ... find the one that tells you how to convert factors to numeric.

David Winsemius

On Mar 10, 2009, at 3:29 PM, aaron wells wrote:

Hello, I would like to order a matrix by a specific column. For instance:

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1  100   21
[2,]    2    3   22
[3,]    3  100   23
[4,]    4   60   24
[5,]    5   55   25
[6,]    6   45   26
[7,]    7   75   27
[8,]    8   12   28
[9,]    9   10   29
[10,]   10   22   30

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    2    3   22
[2,]    9   10   29
[3,]    8   12   28
[4,]   10   22   30
[5,]    6   45   26
[6,]    5   55   25
[7,]    4   60   24
[8,]    7   75   27
[9,]    1  100   21
[10,]    3  100   23

This works well and good in the above example matrix. However in the matrix that I actually want to sort (derived from a function that I wrote) I get something like this:

test[order(as.numeric(test[,2])),]     ### First column is row.names

        f con f.1 cov f.2 minimum f.3 maximum f.4   cl
asahi    * 100   *   1   *     0.1   *       2   * test
castet   * 100   *   2   *     0.1   *       5   * test
clado    * 100   *   1   *     0.7   *       2   * test
aulac    *  33   *   0   *     0.1   *     0.1   * test
buell    *  33   *   0   *     0.1   *     0.1   * test
camlas   *  33   *   0   *     0.1   *     0.1   * test
carbig   *  33   *   1   *       1   *       1   * test
poaarc   *  67   *   0   *     0.1   *     0.1   * test
polviv   *  67   *   0   *     0.1   *     0.1   * test

where R interprets 100 to be the lowest value and orders increasing from there.


My questions are:  Why is this happening? and How do I fix  it?

Thanks in advance!

                             Aaron Wells


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