Hello Dieter,

And thank you for the corrections.
Concerning the point 3, I'm a bit lost. Is it a problem of place to put the
table and the graph side by side (my english is quite as low as my skills in
Latex) ?
I tried with \begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth} instead of 0.7 and I put
"//tiny" but no success.

I tried to add some \begin{table} before \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
as I saw here :
Again ! LaTeX Error: Not in outer par mode.

Could you give me a last clue so that I can spend a nice week-end.
Thanks in advance,
Ptiti Bleu.

last script :

\usepackage{color, pdfcolmk}



\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}{formatcom = {\color[rgb]{0, 0,
\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Soutput}{Verbatim}{formatcom = {\color[rgb]{0.56,
0, 0}}}

<<echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=
rg<-read.table(file="d:/RWork/rg.txt", sep=";", dec=".", header=T, as.is=T)

\caption{First figure}


<<echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=
print(xtable(rg), include.rownames=F, size="\\tiny")


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