be carefully to the order of intensities (counts or densities):

barplot(rev(h$intensities),rev(bk[2:9]-bk[1:8]),space=0,horiz=T) # compare to


2009/3/17 David Winsemius <dwinsem...@comcast.net>:
> I believe that hist will return a vector that could be passed to barplot:
>  h.islands <- hist(islands)
>> barplot(h.islands$intensities, horiz=TRUE)  # or
>> barplot(h.islands$counts, horiz=TRUE)
> David Winsemius
> On Mar 17, 2009, at 11:38 AM, Jason Rupert wrote:
>> Here is what I have so far:
>>> test_data<-rnorm(100)
>>> par(mfrow=c(1,3)) # 3 rows by 1 columns layout of plots
>>> hist(test_data)
>>> boxplot(test_data)
>>> qqnorm(test_data)
>> I noticed that I can rotate a boxplot via "horizontal", but apparently
>> "hist" does not have that functionality.
>> I tried stacking the plots vertically:
>> test_data<-rnorm(100)
>> par(mfrow=c(3,1)) # 3 rows by 1 columns layout of plots
>> hist(test_data)
>> boxplot(test_data, horizontal=TRUE)
>> qqnorm(test_data)
>> However, I would have to rotate the QQnorm plot, which would be pretty
>> confusing and I think non-standard.
>> Thank you again for any feedback and insight regarding trying to reproduce
>> the JMP figure shown at:
>> http://n2.nabble.com/Can-R-produce-this-plot--td2489288.html
>> --- On Tue, 3/17/09, Jason Rupert <jasonkrup...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> From: Jason Rupert <jasonkrup...@yahoo.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [R] R package to automatically produce combination plot?
>>> To: R-help@r-project.org
>>> Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 9:39 AM
>>> I guess no reply means there is not an existing package to
>>> produce the plot?
>>> I will post the results of my script to hopefully help
>>> others who are trying to formulate the same plot.
>>> Thanks again.
>>> --- On Mon, 3/16/09, Jason Rupert
>>> <jasonkrup...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> From: Jason Rupert <jasonkrup...@yahoo.com>
>>>> Subject: [R] R package to automatically produce
>>> combination plot?
>>>> To: R-help@r-project.org
>>>> Date: Monday, March 16, 2009, 8:14 PM
>>>> By any chance is there an R package that automatically
>>>> produces the plot shown at the following link:
>>> http://n2.nabble.com/Can-R-produce-this-plot--td2489288.html
>>>> That is an R package to produce on plot that has the
>>>> following:
>>>> (a) a vertically oriented histogram,
>>>> (b) associated barplot, and
>>>> (c) quantile-quantile plot (Q-Q Plot).
>>>> This is based on a class lecture from University of
>>>> Pennsylvania:
>>>> stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~mcjon/stat-431/lecture-02.pdf
>>>> I am pretty confident I can put one together, but just
>>>> wanted to check that there does not already exist an R
>>>> package to output such a plot.
>>>> Thanks again.
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> David Winsemius, MD
> Heritage Laboratories
> West Hartford, CT
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