Playing around with this some more, it looks like it may purely be due to
the way that R handles unbalanced data. I will investigate lme for this.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Gabriel Murray <> wrote:

> Here is some toy data to give an example. Imagine someone is test-riding
> several bicycles to decide which to buy, and measures their average speed
> during each test-ride. They want to assess the main effects and interaction
> of brand and material on speed.
> Speed    Size    Brand        Material
> 20         small    giant        steel
> 25.1      medium    giant        steel
> 25.2      medium  trek        aluminum
> 26         small    cannondale    carbon
> 19.9      large    giant        aluminum
> 21         medium    trek        carbon
> 30         medium    cannondale    carbon
> This is the output I get:
> > fit = aov(Speed~Brand*Material, data=myData)
> > summary(fit)
>             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
> Brand        2 49.862  24.931  2.3738 0.2964
> Material     2 13.502   6.751  0.6428 0.6087
> Residuals    2 21.005  10.503
> I suppose I am missing something very obvious here as to why the
> interaction is not reported, but I don't see what it is.
> Cheers,
> Gabe
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Patrick Connolly <
>> wrote:
>> On Wed, 08-Apr-2009 at 12:59PM -0700, Gabriel Murray wrote:
>> |> I've noticed with certain datasets that when I try to do an anova and
>> test
>> |> for main effects and interaction for two explanatory variables,
>> sometimes
>> |> the main effect results are given but not the interaction results. For
>> |> example,
>> |>
>> |> ex1 = aov(Score ~ var1*var2, data=myData)
>> |> summary(ex1)
>> Could it be that there are no degrees of freedom left?
>> That's about my best guess without enough information.
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