On Apr 20, 2009, at 8:04 PM, Katharina May wrote:

Hi there,

I've got a database or rather spreadsheet with several columns and rows. For one column named sites I want to loop through all possible values and retrieve all data out of the database where site = x and write it into an object named 'sitex_data'.

Somehow I'm really missing something as I'm not able to create these sitex_data objects with
the database values, neither using list nor assign...

Here some code snipplets:
>library (RODBC)
>channel <- odbcConnectExcel2007 ("biomass_data.xlsx")
>site_data <- sqlQuery(channel, "select site_no from [biomass_data $] group by site_no")

#Here the values I want to loop through
'data.frame':   44 obs. of  1 variable:
$ site_no: num  4 7 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...

#Here my first try [error message on the line within the loop, saying something like:
# 'recursive indexing on level 2 failed']
sites_object_list <- vector("list",99)
for(i in site_data) {
sites_object_list[[i]] <- sqlQuery(channel, paste("select * from [biomass_data$] where site_no = ",i,sep=""))

This does not appear to be a dataset to which we have access, so I will take an untested stab at this. What happens if you assign the results of the function unique() around site_data$site_no to your index, i? That way you would stand a chance of referring to the sites in a manner that R might understand and to only use the site numbers once apiece in the loop. I'm not a competent SQL programmer so i have no comments on that part.

David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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