I care a lot about R's speed. So I decided to give REvolution's R
(http://revolution-computing.com/) a try, which bills itself as an
optimized R. Note that I used the free version.

My machine is a Intel core 2 duo under Windows XP professional. The code
I run is in the end of this post.

First, the regular R 1.9. It takes 2 minutes and 6 seconds, CPU usage

Next, REvolution's R. It takes 2 minutes and 10 seconds, CPU usage 100%.

In other words, REvolution's R consumes double the CPU with slightly
less speed.

The above has been replicated a few times (as a statistician of course).

Anyone has any insight on this? Anyway, my high hope was dashed.





 ###small and common functions##################################

  glmm.sample.y <- function(b, D.u, x, z)


    pp <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m);

    zero <- numeric(n.random);


    ran <- t( mvrnorm(m, zero, D.u) );

    for(j in 1:m) pp[, j] <- as.vector( x[, , j] %*% b + z[, , j] %*%
ran[ ,j] );


    pp <- exp(pp)/( 1+exp(pp) );


    y <- runif(m*n);

    ifelse(y<pp, 1, 0);




   quadratic.form <- function(A, x) { return( as.vector(x %*% A %*% x) )


   quadratic.form2 <- function(A, x)


      x <- chol(A) %*% x;





  REML.b.D.u <- function(b, D.u, x, y, z, n.iter)


     u.mean.initial <- array( 0, c(n.random, m) );

     TT <- matrix(0, n.random, n.random);

     for(i in 1:n.iter)


        TT <- TT*(1-1/i) + bias(b, D.u, x, z)/i;

        obj <- sample.u(b, D.u, x, y, z, u.mean.initial);

        b <- b - solve(obj$Hessian, obj$score);

        D.u <- obj$uu + TT;

        u.mean.initial <- obj$u.mean.initial;

        print(i); print(date());

        print("inside REML"); print(TT);

        if(i==n.iter)  write(TT, file="c:/liao/reml/simu50_8.dat",



      list(b=b, D.u=D.u);


   bias <- function(b, D.u, x, z)


      yy <- glmm.sample.y(b, D.u, x, z);  #this is the sampling stage

      obj1 <- mle(b, D.u, x, yy, z, F, F, n.iter=50);

      obj2 <- mle(b, D.u, x, yy, z, T, F, n.iter=50);

      obj1$uu - obj2$uu



   mle <- function(b, D.u, x, y, z, indx1, indx2, n.iter)


      u.mean.initial <- array( 0, c(n.random, m) );

      for(i in 1:n.iter)


        obj <- sample.u(b, D.u, x, y, z, u.mean.initial);

        if(indx1) b <- b - solve(obj$Hessian, obj$score);

        if(indx2) D.u <- obj$uu;

        u.mean.initial <- obj$u.mean.initial;


      list(b=b, D.u=D.u, uu=obj$uu, u.mean.initial=u.mean.initial);



   sample.u <- function(b, D.u, x, y, z, u.mean.initial)


     D.u.inv <- solve(D.u);

     uu <- matrix(0, n.random, n.random);

     score <- numeric(n.fixed);

     Hessian <- matrix(0, n.fixed, n.fixed);

     for(i in 1:m)


       ada.part <- as.vector(x[, , i] %*% b);

       obj <-  sample.u.one( D.u.inv, ada.part, x[, , i], y[, i], z[,
,i], u.mean.initial[, i] );

       uu <- uu + obj$uu;

       score <- score + obj$score;

       Hessian <- Hessian + obj$Hessian;

       u.mean.initial[, i] <- obj$u.mean.initial;


     uu <- uu/m;

     list(uu=uu, score=score, Hessian=Hessian,



   sample.u.one <- function(D.u.inv, ada.part, x, y, z, u.mean.initial)
#ada.part, x, y, z for one subject only


      fn <- log.like(y, z, D.u.inv, ada.part);

      obj <- optim(u.mean.initial, fn, control=list(fnscale=-1), hessian
= T)

      u.mean.initial <- obj$par;

      var.root <- solve(-obj$hessian);

      var.root <- t( chol(var.root) );

      u <- matrix( rnorm(n.random*n.simu), nrow=n.random, ncol=n.simu );

      log.prob1 <- -colSums(u*u)/2;

      u <- u.mean.initial + var.root %*% u;

      ada <- exp( ada.part + z %*% u );

      ada <- ada/(1+ada); #it is probability now

      log.prob2 <- colSums( y*log(ada) + (1-y)*log(1-ada) );

      log.prob2 <- -quadratic.form2(D.u.inv, u)/2 + log.prob2;

      weight <- exp(log.prob2 - log.prob1);

      weight <- weight/sum(weight);

      ada <- t(ada);

      pi <- colSums(ada*weight);

      product <- colSums( ada*(1-ada)*weight );

      score <- as.vector( (y - pi) %*% x );

      Hessian <- -t(x) %*% ( rep(product, n.fixed)*x );

      obj <- cov.wt( t(u), weight, center=T );

      uu <- obj$cov + obj$center %*% t(obj$center);

      list(uu=uu, score=score, Hessian=Hessian,



  log.like <- function(y, z, D.u.inv, ada.part)




        ada <- exp( ada.part + z %*% u );

        ada <- ada/(1+ada);

        sum( y*log(ada) + (1-y)*log(1-ada) ) -quadratic.form(D.u.inv,



  main <- function()


    b <- c(.5, .5 , -1, -.5);

    b <- c(.5, .5 , -1, -.5, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    D.u <- diag( c(.5, .5) );

    x <- array(0, c(n, n.fixed, m) );

    x[ ,1, ] <- 1;

    for(i in 1:n) x[i, 2, ] <- (i-5)/4;

    x[, 3, 1:trunc(m/2)] <- 0;

    x[, 3, trunc(m/2+1):m] <- 1;

    x[, 4, ] <- x[, 2, ]*x[, 3, ];

    x[1, 5:n.fixed, ] <- rnorm(4*m);

    for(i in 2:n) x[i, 5:n.fixed,] <- x[1, 5:n.fixed, ];

    z <- x[, 1:2, ];

    for(i in 1:200)


      print(i); print(date());

      y <- glmm.sample.y(b, D.u, x, z);

      obj <- mle(b, D.u, x, y, z, F, T, n.iter=50);

      print("estimate with b known")


      obj <- mle(b, D.u, x, y, z, T, T, n.iter=50);

      print("profile MLE");


      obj <- REML.b.D.u(b, D.u, x, y, z, n.iter=50);

      print("REML type estimate")





  n <- 10;  #number of observation for each cluster

  m <- 50;  #number of clusters

  n.fixed <- 8;

  n.random <- 2;

  n.simu <- 2000;


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