Hello !  Iâm trying to estimate a system of equation (demand and supply) using the systemfit package. My program is:  library(systemfit) demand <- tsyud ~ tsyud1 + tsucp + tspo + tssn supply <- tscn ~ tsyn + tsqn + tsksn + tsucp system <- list(demand=eqdemand, learning = eqsupply) labels <- list(demand="eqdemand", learning="eqsupply") inst <- ~ tsupp1 + tsupp2 + tsupp3 + tsyus1 + tsupf + tsd1 + tsyud1 + tspo + tssn + tsupp + tsus + tsus1 + tsyn + tsqn + tsksn result2sls <-systemfit(method="2SLS", system, labels, inst=inst)   This does not work and I have the following error message that I do not understand its meaning:  Error in solve(crossprod(zMatEq[[i]]), crossprod(zMatEq[[i]], xMatAllThisEq), :  the leading minor of order 3 is not positive definite  Can you help me please to understand the problem?   Remark1: Please note that in my estimation, the variables tsyud1, tsupp1, tsupp2, tsupp3, and tsyus1 are lagged variables.  Remark2: When I try to estimate each one of my two equations separately using the sem package, I also have an error message:  supplyreg <- tsls(tscn ~ tsyn + tsqn + tsksn + tsucp, ~ tsupp1 + tsupp2 + tsupp3 + tsyus1 + tsupf + tsd1 + tsyud1 + tspo + tssn + tsupp + tsus + tsus1 + tsyn + tsqn + tsksn) summary(supplyreg)  Error in solve.default(crossprod(Z))"Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular"  Do the two error messages mean the same think?  Thank you in advance for your help.
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