
I have a series of questions that I hope will be simple to answer.  Basically I 
would like a code to do the following so that I can compute the distribution 
free test for the slope of a postulated regression line (Theil test).  As I am 
testing the null hypothesis that slope = 0 against the general alternative the 
slope does not equal 0, it should be pretty straight-forward.

I have a data frame as follows;

index   Score   Mean_Temp       SD_Mean_Temp
i       10      3.7             0.65
i+1     12      7.5             2.11
i+2     6       10.3            0.85
...     ...     ...             ...
n       8       12.6            4.2

The first question is how can I compute the n(n-1)/2 differences between Score 
i and Score j where i is from 1 to (n-1) and j is from (i+1) to n?  I would 
then like R to spit out the differences in a file something like the following;

i       j       Difference
1       2       2
1       3       -4
...     ..      ...
(n-1)   n       D(n-1,n)

The second question is for each indexed sample from i to n, I would like to use 
something like rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1) so that I could generate 1000 random 
draws from the distribution specified so that the arguments for rnorm () are as 
follows; mean = the value of Mean_Temp & sd = SD_Mean_Temp for indexed values i 
to n.  I would, of course, then like R to spit out the massive table with 1000 
columns of randomly generated temperature values for each index i to n.

Finally I would like to compute the slope estimator associated with the Theil 
statistic.  All I need to do is compute the n(n-1)/n individual slope values; 
Sij = (Yj -Yi)/(Xj-Xi) where the Ys are the Scores for samples i to n and the 
Xs are the set of randomly generated temperature values, as before, 1 less than 
or equal to i less than j less than or equal to n.  The median is then the 
estimator of Beta (the slope).  I would like to compute the slopes for all 1000 
sets of randomly generated temperature values.

i would greatly appreciate any help with these questions

karsten G Holmquist
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