Dear All-

I am looking at the bivariate point process model for extreme values as described in Section 8.3.2 of Coles book. I am stuck at a very low level in being unable to reproduce the initial step of transforming the data to unit Frechet margins. In particular, I am unable to reproduce the wave-surge pairs distribution after transformation to Frechet scale (Figure 8.6 of Coles book). Here is what I am doing:

wave <- wavesurge[,1]
surge <- wavesurge[,2]
plot(wave,surge, pch=20)  ## reproduces Coles fig 1.11
## do the GEV fit
w <-
s <-
### Transform to frechet variable using
GEV2frechet <- function (x, loc, scale, shape)
 pmax(1 + shape * (x - loc)/scale, 0)^(1/shape)
Zw <- GEV2frechet(wave,w$mle[1],w$mle[2],w$mle[3])
Zs <- GEV2frechet(surge,s$mle[1],s$mle[2],s$mle[3])
## Check point distribution with Figure 8.6
### Very different

The above seems to be quite straightforward and I am at a loss for what is going wrong. Perhaps someone can get me pointed in the right direction. Thanks in advance for your consideration and help.

   Ron Burns

R. R. Burns
Physicist (Retired)
Oceanside, CA

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