Thanks a lot. Matt's code works very well.
Could i use several 'for' arguments to get the results as what i think

2009/7/28 John Kane <>

>  I see Matt Aldridge has given you the answers to your specific questions.
> If you are used to using SAS you might find Bob Meunchen's book "Muenchen,
> R. A. (2008). R for SAS and SPSS Users (1st ed.). Springer." useful.  A
> shorter version is available as a pdf at
>  The pdf is a very useful guide for anyone beginning to use R.
> --- On Mon, 7/27/09, zhijie zhang <> wrote:
> > From: zhijie zhang <>
> > Subject: [R] How should i change the SAS Codes into R Codes?
> > To:
> > Received: Monday, July 27, 2009, 11:03 AM
>  > Dear R users,
> >   I have a SAS codes with several loops in it, and i
> > hope to use R to do the
> > same task. The SAS codes are as follows,
> > /*to generate the dataset*/
> > DATA Single_Simulation;
> >  DO se=0 to 1 by 0.01;
> >   DO sp=0 to 1 by 0.01;
> >    DO DR=0 to 1 by 0.01;
> >     TR=(DR+sp-1)/(se+sp-1+1.0e-12);
> >     Adjust_Factor=TR/(DR+1.0e-12);
> >     OUTPUT;
> >    END;
> >   END;
> >  END;
> > RUN;
> >
> > /*to select some data*/
> > DATA sampledata;
> >  SET Single_Simulation;
> >  IF DR=0.02 & sp=1;
> > RUN;
> >
> > #I tried the following codes with R,failed
> > num<-seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
> > for (se in num) {
> >  for (sp in num) {
> >    for (DR in num) {
> >     TR=(DR+sp-1)/(se+sp-1+1.0e-12)
> >     Adjust_Factor=TR/(DR+1.0e-12)
> >   }
> >  }
> > }
> >
> > My questions are,
> > 1. What is the correct codes for R to do the similar task?
> > 2. Sometimes, the simulated dataset are very large, so i
> > need to put the
> > generated dataset in a file with large disk place, not in
> > the memory, how to
> > do it? SAS can do it with the 'libname' argument,  do
> > R have the similar
> > method?
> >   Thanks a lot.
> >
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> >
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