Maybe I'm missing something in the history help file. I read it and
subsequently tried

> savehistory("trythis.txt")

but the resulting file does not contain the text that scrolled past
the console. It contains only a few uninteresting timestamps. Is
there some more useful application of history() or savehistory()?

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:09 PM, roger koenker <> wrote:

> have you read
>        ?history
> url:            Roger Koenker
> email            Department of Economics
> vox:     217-333-4558                University of Illinois
> fax:       217-244-6678                Urbana, IL 61801
> On Aug 3, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Jacob Wegelin wrote:
>  Consider all the text that one sees on the console during an R session.
>> Is there a way, within R, that all this text--i.e., both the "output" and
>> the "messages"--can be automatically copied to a single file, in addition
>> to
>> its being visible on the console?
>> If I remember to save the console to a file at the end of my R session,
>> that
>> does it. But
>> (1) That requires pointing and clicking--can it be automated as a text
>> command?
>> (2) It would be nice to issue the text command at the start of the R
>> session, such as "log this entire session in mylog.txt, append", to ensure
>> that the session is logged whether I remember to save the console or not.
>> As far as I can tell,
>> sink(file="mylog.txt")
>> will hide the output from me and put it into mylog.txt. But it still shows
>> me the error messages.
>> An attempt to put the output and messages into separate files returns an
>> error:
>>  sink("junkout.txt", type="output")
>>> sink("junkmsg.txt", type="message")
>> Error in sink("junkmsg.txt", type = "message") :
>>  'file' must be NULL or an already open connection
>> and at any rate I'd like both messages in the same file, just like on the
>> console.
>> People who run R at the unix command line apparently use the unix command
>> -script-. But I mean something that will work within R,
>> platform-independent.
>> A 2003 post to R-help suggests savehistory(), but this does *not* save the
>> console; I tried it just now. Another post from the same thread suggests
>> using emacs. But that is not platform-independent.
>> The existence of the 2003 thread suggests that this issue comes up
>> periodically. Was it a deliberate design decision not to make logs
>> available, in contrast to the way logging works in Stata?
>> I use the Rgui on a MacBook Pro:
>>  sessionInfo()
>> R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
>> i386-apple-darwin8.11.1
>> locale:
>> en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
>> other attached packages:
>> [1] lme4_0.999375-28   Matrix_0.999375-21 lattice_0.17-17
>> foreign_0.8-29
>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>> [1] boot_1.2-34 grid_2.8.1
>> Thanks for any insights.
>> Jacob A. Wegelin
>> Assistant Professor
>> Department of Biostatistics
>> Virginia Commonwealth University
>> 730 East Broad Street Room 3006
>> P. O. Box 980032
>> Richmond VA 23298-0032
>> U.S.A.
>> E-mail:
>> URL:
>>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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