As I said in my original email, I'm sure that many of you will doubt the wisdom 
of what I'm trying to do -- and I certainly share some of your misgivings. I 
have misgivings too about the use of "training wheels" for bicycles, but they 
are clearly useful for some people, and, in this instance, I think that 
smoothing students passage over what I have seen to be genuine stumbling blocks 
for them outweighs the drawbacks. I am not merely changing defaults -- if that 
was all I believe I would be doing students a disservice. My version of mean 
doesn't merely return a value in the presence of missing values, it prints a 
warning if missing values are pressent. I think the one step with my version
> mean(x)                                   # my version
Warning: x has 3 missing values.
[1] 51.69388
> base::mean(x)                          
[1] NA
> length(x[is.na(x)])                    # oops, some missing values, I wonder 
> how many?
[1] 3                                          # not too bad, let's look find 
the mean without them
> base::mean(x,na.rm=T)
[1] 51.69388

It has some other useful features which I needn't go into here.
I have not yet used this package but plan to use it in my classes this fall, 
and I thought about using alternate names for my function versions (Mean vs. 
mean, Table vs. table, Hist vs. hist -- John Fox does that in his Rcmdr) but 
decided against it. I believe that by carefully explaining the difference 
between the versions in my package and the standard versions students will be 
able to adjust to using the standard version if and when they need or choose 
I have considerable experience using R in both introductory and moderately 
advanced classes, and despite my enthusiasm for it have had at best very mixed 
success. I am certainly not unique in belief that by making initial exposure to 
R fit more closely to student needs we will create more real R users in the 
long run. Clearly the several different versions of menu-driven front ends have 
the same goal. Since I believe the R console is the right environment for 
exploratory data analysis I prefer to avoid the menu driven detour.


From: Gabor Grothendieck [mailto:ggrothendi...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thu 8/13/2009 5:19 PM
To: Pitt, Joel
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Coding problem: How can I extract substring of function call 
within the function

The Defaults package can be used to change the defaults of
functions and reset them back.

There is some question on whether all this is advisable.
It will invalidate any books, documentation, examples
in the help files that come with R and other
resources on R that they might have otherwise used
by introducing deliberate differences.  Later, to learn
standard R it will be harder since they will have to
unlearn what they learned.

If you really must do this I would suggest
using different names, e.g. mean2 or Mean,
so its clear one is using non-standard versions.
In that case you don't need rStd in the first place.

Even better, perhaps a one page cheat sheet of
common forms would be better than a package
full of trivially and annoyingly changed functions, e.g.

mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)  # mean of non-missings in x
barplot(x, beside = TRUE) # bar chart placing bars beside each other

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Pitt, Joel<pi...@georgian.edu> wrote:
> In order to ease my students into the R environment I am developing a package 
> which installs a variety of utility functions as well as slightly modified 
> versions of some standard R functions -- e.g. mean, hist, barplot, .... In my 
> versions of these standard R functions I either add options or alter some 
> defaults that seem to create difficulties for most of my students -- for 
> example, when they do barcharts for two dimensional tables they generally 
> want the bars to be side-by-side and stumble over the standard default of 
> besides=F, and my version of mean by default reports a mean value in the 
> presence of NA's after warning of that presence (but retains the option of 
> setting na.rm=F). (I don't doubt that some (if not many) of you will doubt 
> the wisdom of this, and I would be happy to discuss this in more detail on 
> other occasions.) You might want to think of my replacement R functions as a 
> kind of "training wheels" for R, and, in the spirit of training wheels I 
> include a fun!
>  ion in my package that allows a user to revert to the standard version of 
> one or all functions without unloading the package (and loosing its 
> additional functionality). However, I want to add a function that allows a 
> user to revert to running the standard R version of a given function on a 
> one-off basis and that's where my problem comes up.
> I believe that it should be possible to write a function rStd with the usage 
> rStd(x,...) where x is a function -- e.g. mean, hist, barchart, and the 
> remaining parameters would be any of the parameters that should be passed to 
> the unmodified version of mean, hist, barchart... The problem I have is how 
> to get ahold of that collection of parameters as a single character string. 
> Now I know that sys.calls()[[1]] will give me the full text of the initial 
> call, but the problem is to detach the ... above from that as a text string. 
> If I could do that I'd be done.
> Here's the incomplete code with comments -- see the gap set off by astericks.
>    rStd=function(x,...){
>    if(missing(x))  # must have a specified function
>    {
>       cat("Error: No function specified\n");
>       return(invisible(NULL));
>    }
>    z=as.character(substitute(x));
>    # must include code here to check that z is the name
>    # of one of our altered functions
>    # if z is an altered function, e.g., "mean"
>    # then concatenating "x" with z gives the overlaid
>    # function -- e.g. xmean is the standard mean
> #***************************************************************************
>    # Now we need to get a hold of the ... text                                
>   *
>    #                                                                          
>                    *
>    w=sys.calls()[[1]];  # this gets me the whole text of the call          *
>    #                                                                          
>                    *
>    # and now here's where the problem arises                                 *
>    # how to I get the ... text if I could get it and say                      
>     *
>    # assign it to the variable params                                         
>       *
>    # I could then set                                                         
>              *
>    #                                                                          
>                    *
>    cmd=sprintf("x%s(%s)",z,params) # see remarks above about z
>   # and then it's done....
>    eval(parse(text=cmd),sys.frame());
> }
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Regards
> Joel
> Joel Pitt, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor & Chair
> Mathematics & Computer Science
> Georgian Court University
> 900 Lakewood Avenue
> Lakewood, NJ 08540
> 732-987-2322
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