Is this what you want:

> x
                              mean         sd   X0.      X25.  X50.
  X75. X100.   n
BODY_TEMPERATURE          36.41099  0.4015699  35.1  36.22222  36.5
36.66667  37.1  89
DIASTOLIC_BLOOD_PRESSURE  73.60079  9.4656186  50.0  67.00000  73.0
80.00000  95.0 253
HEIGHT                   171.94000  9.2011670 153.5 166.50000 173.0
176.25000 190.0  20
PULSE_RATE                67.48221 11.7657645  40.0  60.00000  68.0
75.00000  97.0 253
SYSTOLIC_BLOOD_PRESSURE  131.91700 14.4986667  97.0 122.00000 132.0
140.00000 185.0 253
WEIGHT                    85.17079 17.3150434  57.3  70.90000  83.1
100.00000 122.5  89
> t(x)
mean        36.4109900                73.600790 171.940000   67.48221
             131.91700  85.17079
sd           0.4015699                 9.465619   9.201167   11.76576
              14.49867  17.31504
X0.         35.1000000                50.000000 153.500000   40.00000
              97.00000  57.30000
X25.        36.2222200                67.000000 166.500000   60.00000
             122.00000  70.90000
X50.        36.5000000                73.000000 173.000000   68.00000
             132.00000  83.10000
X75.        36.6666700                80.000000 176.250000   75.00000
             140.00000 100.00000
X100.       37.1000000                95.000000 190.000000   97.00000
             185.00000 122.50000
n           89.0000000               253.000000  20.000000  253.00000
             253.00000  89.00000

Also when sending example data, used 'dput'; makes it easier to access it:

> dput(x)
structure(list(mean = c(36.41099, 73.60079, 171.94, 67.48221,
131.917, 85.17079), sd = c(0.4015699, 9.4656186, 9.201167, 11.7657645,
14.4986667, 17.3150434), X0. = c(35.1, 50, 153.5, 40, 97, 57.3
), X25. = c(36.22222, 67, 166.5, 60, 122, 70.9), X50. = c(36.5,
73, 173, 68, 132, 83.1), X75. = c(36.66667, 80, 176.25, 75, 140,
100), X100. = c(37.1, 95, 190, 97, 185, 122.5), n = c(89L, 253L,
20L, 253L, 253L, 89L)), .Names = c("mean", "sd", "X0.", "X25.",
"X50.", "X75.", "X100.", "n"), class = "data.frame", row.names =

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:00 AM, rajclinasia<> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a dataset like this
>                                      mean         sd    0%       25%   50%
> 75%  100%   n
> BODY TEMPERATURE          36.41099  0.4015699  35.1  36.22222  36.5
> 36.66667  37.1  89
> DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE  73.60079  9.4656186  50.0  67.00000  73.0
> 80.00000  95.0 253
> HEIGHT                   171.94000  9.2011670 153.5 166.50000 173.0
> 176.25000 190.0  20
> PULSE RATE                67.48221 11.7657645  40.0  60.00000  68.0
> 75.00000  97.0 253
> SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE  131.91700 14.4986667  97.0 122.00000 132.0
> 140.00000 185.0 253
> WEIGHT                    85.17079 17.3150434  57.3  70.90000  83.1
> 100.00000 122.5  89
> now i want to transpose this dataset like
> BODY TEMPERATURE  mean 36.41099
>                              sd     0.4015699
>                              0%    35.1
>                              25%  36.222
>                              50%  36.5
>                              75%  36.667
>                              100% 37.1
>                              n        89
>                                          sd
>                                          0%
>                                          25%
>                                         50%
>                                         75%
>                                         100%
>                                          n
>                                                       etc.
> if possible please send me the code. it will be very helpful us.
> Thanks in Advance.
> --
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390

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