Dear R users,

My question is about finding the proper font size for graphics.

For this i had written a code that creats 4 diferent graphics and saves 
them as a png file.

>From these , i select one of the proper size and past it to a 
word document.
I have experimented with lots of settings yet:nd lost my track a bit.
there are cex; cexaxis cexlabes and so on, i lost track of wich cex does 
what exactly.

Fruthermore, these graphs work well in an R window, yet when i open the 
png file it did not print the labels of bottom x axis.

One other problem i have is that often '10' on the botom x axis is not 
I tried to patch it up this way (below), yet its unsatisfactory, sometimes 
it works sometimes it don't. 
 axis(1,at=c(28:30),c('','10','') , padj=-1.5 , 

And finaly, when creating the graphs, i prefer the size of  graf_1_small 
it pastes easaly to a word documentn ( 2 one one line),
yet the labels are not always clear to read, so i copy the one without 
suffix to word then i size it to 75%, wich means it loses some quality.
The question here is, can anyone help me with the right cex sizes?

I gues that that is the question in general, since it are the cex that are 
eighter printed or not, on all these graph's.

Thaks in advance,

here is my example:

# saving Directory

WinDir <- "C:/Documents and Settings/towil/Projecten"

# data

trials <- rep(1:10,3)
test <- c(rep("Low",10),rep("Normal",10),rep("Randomised",10))
means <- rbeta(1:30,11,3)+rbeta(1:30,8,3)
ci <- rbeta(1:30,1,2)

meanstable <- data.frame( "Trial"=trials,"Test"=test,"Means"= 
means,"Upper"=means+ci ,"Lower"=means-ci)

graf_1     <- "Means 1"

graf_2     <- "Means 2"

# settings for different graph's

setting <- 
= c(300,400,500), 'pointsetting' = c(10,12,14),'Directory'=rep(WinDir,3), 
'cex.lab'=  c(0.85,0.9,1),'cexsize'=  c(0.8,1,1.2), 'cex.axis'= 

# loop for different graph's

for(rol in 1:3){
save_at <-WinDir
setwd( save_at)
png(filename = paste(graf_1,setting[rol,1],".png",sep=""),width = 
setting[rol,2], height = setting[rol,3],pointsize = setting[rol,4], bg = 
"white", res = NA)

 plot(1:nrow(meanstable),meanstable$Mean, xlim=c(0,nrow(meanstable)),ylim= 
ylimits, xaxt='n', pch = 19, 
  arrows(1:nrow(meanstable) , meanstable$Upper , 1:nrow(meanstable) , 
meanstable$Lower, lty=3, code = 3,  angle = 45, length = .1)
  axis(3,at=1:2,unique(meanstable$Test)[c(1,2)],las=1 ,hadj=0.5, 
padj=c(1,0),cex.axis=setting[rol,8])   # upper X axis
  axis(3,at=2:3,unique(meanstable$Test)[c(2,2)],las=1 ,hadj=0.5, 
  axis(1,at=c(1:3),c('','1','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])   # 
lopwer x axis this does not show on the png files, yet it works in an r 
  axis(1,at=c(4:6),c('','2','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])
  axis(1,at=c(7:9),c('','3','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])
  axis(1,at=c(10:12),c('','4','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])
  axis(1,at=c(13:15),c('','5','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])
  axis(1,at=c(16:18),c('','6','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])
  axis(1,at=c(19:21),c('','7','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])
  axis(1,at=c(22:24),c('','8','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])
  axis(1,at=c(25:27),c('','9','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])
  axis(1,at=c(28:30),c('','10','') , padj=-1 , cex.axis=setting[rol,8])


End of example.

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