Dear R users,

I am trying to connect R to data that is in a Access Database but I have 
problem with the construction of queries using special characters. 

I am using RODBC package.

The following is working :

> MyQuery<-paste("SELECT first( (DateHeure) ) , avg(NNO3_AT322_OUT_moy) AS Cond 
> FROM Colonne_3 ")                
> Col3<-sqlQuery(con, query=MyQuery)
> Col3
             Expr1000     Cond
1 2009-06-23 10:15:02 579.9562
> MyQuery<-paste("SELECT first( format (DateHeure) ) , avg(NNO3_AT322_OUT_moy) 
> AS Cond FROM Colonne_3 ")                
> Col3<-sqlQuery(con, query=MyQuery)
> Col3
             Expr1000     Cond
1 23/06/2009 10:15:02 579.9562

But I have problems as soon as I want to use SQL functions in my query that use 
a double quote (eg FORMAT() function). I have no idea on how to build my sql 
instruction containing "" since the escape code \" does not seem to work/be 
sufficient in this case. (Nota : the argument I would like to use in the 
following call to format is "00" )

#Obvious error :
> MyQuery<-paste("SELECT first( format(DateHeure, "00")) ) , 
> avg(NNO3_AT322_OUT_moy) AS Cond FROM Colonne_3 ")                
Erreur : constante numérique inattendu(e) dans "MyQuery<-paste("SELECT first( 
format(DateHeure, "00"
             Expr1000     Cond
1 23/06/2009 10:15:02 492.0594

#Trying to solve the error using the escape code \" :
> MyQuery<-paste("SELECT first( format(DateHeure, \"00\")) ) , 
> avg(NNO3_AT322_OUT_moy) AS Cond FROM Colonne_3 ")                
> Col3<-sqlQuery(con, query=cat(MyQuery))
SELECT first( format(DateHeure, "00")) ) , avg(NNO3_AT322_OUT_moy) AS Cond FROM 
Colonne_3 Erreur dans odbcQuery(channel, query, rows_at_time) : 
  'getEncChar' doit être appelé sur un CHARSXP

Do you have any idea on how to proceed?

With Best regards
Pascal Boisson


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