Here is another way of creating the legend using layout

layout(cbind(1,2), width=c(7,1))
# now create legend
old.par <- par(mar=c(3, 0, 3, 0))
legend('left', legend=c('line 1', 'line 2'))

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:01 PM, McDonald, Grant
<> wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I am using the following cos which creates a 3 panel figure on one image.  
> However the legend function i am using only allows the legend to be placed 
> within the axes of one of the graphs.
> The plots however do not allow for a logend to be places within the axes do 
> to the location of points on the graph.  I can add the legend later using 
> imaging software such as paint but i lose resolution by doing this.
> Is it possible to place the legend out side of figure axes on the white area 
> around all three panels?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you
> Grant
> single<-read.table("C:\\Grant\\hatchfirstonly.txt",header=T)
> attach(single)
> names(single)
> par(mfrow=c(1,3))
> maleage<- factor(maleage, labels = c("Old","Young"))
> colors <- c('gray', "navyblue")
> shapes <- c(17,19)
> proportion<-(eggs1-unhatch1)/eggs1
> plot(proportion~maleage, xlab= "Age of Male ", ylab = "Proportion of Eggs 
> Hatched")
> plot(proportion~femweight, pch=shapes[maleage], 
> col=colors[maleage],bg="gray", xlab= "Female Weight (grams) ", ylab = " 
> Proportion of Eggs Hatched")
> abline(lm(proportion~femweight))
> plot(proportion~copdurationsecs, pch=shapes[maleage], 
> col=colors[maleage],bg="gray", xlab= "Copulation Duration (minutes) ", ylab = 
> " Proportion of Eggs Hatched")
> abline(lm(proportion~copdurationsecs))
> legend(locator(1), as.character(levels(factor(maleage))),pch=shapes[maleage], 
> col=colors[maleage])(levels(factor(maleage)))
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Cincinnati, OH
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