Seems the message below and the thread have reveived no attention/answer. The 
output presented is quite tricky. Looks like if lmer (lme4 0.9975-10) 
has accepted a negative binomial link with reasonable estimates, although it 
was not designed for... 

What can one think about result validity ?



Message: 34
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 06:51:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: "E. Robardet" <>
Subject: Re: [R] What happen for Negative binomial link in Lmer
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Thank you for your answers,

I have an exemple of that i was using:

Generalized linear mixed model fit using Laplace 
Formula: atpos ~ ninter + saison + milieu * zone + (1 | code) 
   Data: manu 
 Family: Negative Binomial(log link)
   AIC   BIC logLik deviance
 125.1 147.6 -54.57    109.1

I think It was the version lme4 0.9975-10.
Unfortunately, I have this version no more available on my computer..
I wonder if this old results are still valid..

Ben Bolker wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ROBARDET Emmanuelle wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> Dear R users,
>> >> I'm performing some GLMMs analysis with a negative binomial link.
>> >> I already performed such analysis some months ago with the lmer()
>> >> function but when I tried it today I encountered this problem:
>> >> Erreur dans famType(glmFit$family) : unknown GLM family: 'Negative
>> >> Binomial'
>> >> 
>> >> Does anyone know if the negative binomial family has been removed from
>> >> this function?
>> >> I really appreciate any response.
>> >> Emmanuelle
>> >> 
>> >> 
> > 
> > I would be extremely surprised if this worked in the past; to
> > the best of my knowledge the negative binomial family has
> > never been implemented in lmer.  One could in principle
> > do a glmmPQL fit with the negative binomial family
> > (with a fixed value of the overdispersion parameter).
> > glmmADMB is another option.
> > Can you say which version etc. you were using???
> > 
> > Follow-ups should probably be sent to
> > ....
> > 
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