Thank you all for your help.
None of the suggestions worked but this is because I believe I was opening the 
created file into Excel the wrong way.
I managed to open the file in Word and then do indeed get a cvs format. This I 
was then able to transform to a normal table.
Will now try to install the write.XLS package fir I believe that this in the 
end will save me much work.

Thanks to the community for so many prompt responses and plenty of new insight.


PS. For those moderators out there I have signed up to the help group and do 
have a login which works but somehow my emails our not recognized. Sorry for 
the inconvenience and if there are any suggestions how to fix this that would 
be great.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Baer [] 
Sent: 05 November 2009 15:58
To: Hayes, Daniel; ''
Subject: Re: [R] collumn error when exporting to Excel

usually works well for writing a dataframe to import into excel.  Use a file 
name that ends in .csv.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hayes, Daniel" <>
To: "''" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 3:56 AM
Subject: [R] collumn error when exporting to Excel

> Dear all,
> I am attempting to export my results (data.frame) created with the help of 
> a number of you to Excel.
> In the procedure my column structure is however lost and all results are 
> placed together into the first Excel column.
> I have tried: write(), write.table(), write.matrix(), export() and have 
> the same results. I Have checked the import/export FAQ and did a Google 
> search to no avail.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Kind greetings,
> Daniel
>> dput([1:10,])
> structure(list(age = c(0, 0.0833333333333333, 0.166666666666667,
> 0.25, 0.333333333333333, 0.416666666666667, 0.5, 0.583333333333333,
> 0.666666666666667, 0.75), country = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
> 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("Bolivia", "Brazil", "Colombia",
> "Dominican Rep.", "El Salvador", "Guatemala", "Guyana", "Haiti",
> "Honduras", "Nicaragua", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Suriname"), class = 
> "factor"),
>    mu = c(11.4216795790532, 11.336249852927, 11.2841715916567,
>    11.2112464680493, 11.1163747056146, 11.0042010015542, 10.8814601111044,
>    10.7555483953614, 10.6326412246687, 10.5168465177670), sigma = 
> c(0.101487190832973,
>    0.105383747354763, 0.107059434066487, 0.108387198864101,
>    0.109530496229634, 0.110541869698550, 0.111444696116090,
>    0.112248590819971, 0.112951348056450, 0.113550216614654)), .Names = 
> c("age",
> "country", "mu", "sigma"), row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4",
> "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"), class = "data.frame")
>> write.matrix(, file="C:\\Documents and 
>> Settings\\Dohyedan\\My Documents\\", sep=" ")
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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