I have a file in the following format:

Scenario1 Scenario1CIL Scenario1CIU Scenario2 Scenario2CIL Scenario2CIU
60 57 62 45 48 50
110 101 111 51 50 52
120 117 122 64 62 66
192 190 194 79 75 79

First  column  = Scenario1 mean value
Second  column  = Scenario1 Low Confidence Interval
Third  column  = Scenario1 Upper Confidence Interval
Fourth  column  = Scenario2 mean value
Fifth  column  = Scenario2 Low Confidence Interval
Sixth  column  = Scenario2 Upper Confidence Interval

Then, I tried this:

data <- read.table("data.file", header=T, sep=" ")
legend <- c("line1","line2","line3","line4")

ci.l <- as.matrix(c(c(data$Scenario1CIL), c(data$Scenario2CIL)))
ci.u <- as.matrix(c(c(data$Scenario1CIU), c(data$Scenario2CIU)))

barplot2(as.matrix(c(c(data$Scenario1), c(data$Scenario2))), beside=TRUE,
        legend=legend, ylim=c(0, 200), main="Experiment X", ylab="Total
        font.main=4, cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.5, cex.names=1.5,
        plot.ci=TRUE, ci.l=ci.l, ci.u=ci.u, plot.grid=TRUE)

But this code doesn't group the values in Scenario1 and Scenario2, as
All plotted bars are joined side by side.

Considering the letter 'H' a bar, the expected result was: 'HHHH  HHHH'
but the result of the above code was: 'HHHHHHHH' (no space between the
Scenario1's values and Scenario2'values)  and no legends (Scenario1 and

How I must to do?

Thanks in advance!

Jonhnny Weslley Sousa Silva
MSc. Candidate in Computer Science
Distributed Systems Laboratory
Federal University of Campina Grande
OurFS http://www.lsd.ufcg.edu.br/ourfs

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