Please oh please could someone help me or at least confirm that they are
having the same problem.

Why am I getting the error message from RGoogleDocs

> getDocs(sheets.con)
Error in getDocs(sheets.con) :
  problems connecting to get the list of documents

How do I troubleshoot?

Farrel Buchinsky
Google Voice Tel: (412) 567-7870

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 17:08, Farrel Buchinsky <> wrote:

> Oh OH! Could you please help with a problem that I never used to get.
> library(RGoogleDocs)
> ps <-readline(prompt="get the password in ")
> sheets.con = getGoogleDocsConnection(getGoogleAuth("", ps,
> service ="wise"))
> ts2=getWorksheets("OnCall",sheets.con)
> Those opening lines of script used to work flawlesly. Now I get.
> Error in getDocs(con) : problems connecting to get the list of documents
> Yet I got it to work earlier while I had been toying with RGoogleData
> package in another session. Could RGoogleData have opened something for
> RGoogleDocs to use?
> Farrel Buchinsky
> Google Voice Tel: (412) 567-7870
> Sent from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 16:34, Farrel Buchinsky <> wrote:
>> That was painless. I had already installed Rtools and had already put it
>> on my path.
>> Your line worked very well. [Thanks for telling me. However I did it last
>> time was worse than sticking daggers in my eyes. ]
>>  install.packages( "RGoogleDocs", repos="";, 
>> type="source"
>> )
>> I now have
>> Package: RGoogleDocs
>> Version: 0.4-0
>> Title:....
>> ....
>> Maintainer: Duncan Temple Lang <>
>> Packaged: 2009-10-27 22:10:22 UTC; duncan
>> Built: R 2.10.0; ; 2009-11-25 20:59:03 UTC; windows
>> I am providing the following link to a copy of my RGoogleDocs zipped
>> directory. It is for people who run R in windows and do not want to go
>> through the pain of setting things up so that they can install source.
>> I BELIEVE that if one downloads the zip and extracts it to an empty
>> directory called RGoogleDocs in one's Library directory then everything will
>> work. Please let me know.
>> Farrel Buchinsky
>> Google Voice Tel: (412) 567-7870

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