
I have the following conceptual / interpretative question regarding random effects:

A mixed effects model was fit on biological data, with observations coming from different species. There is a clear overall effect of certain predictors (entering the model as fixed effect), but as different species react slightly differently, the predictor also enters the model as random effect and with species as grouping variable. The resulting model is very fine.

Now comes the tricky part however: I can inspect not only the variance parameter estimate for the random effect, but also the 'coefficients' for each species. If I do this, suppose I find out that they make biologically sense, and maybe actually more sense then they should: For each species vast biological knowledge is available, regarding traits etc. So I can link the random effect coefficients to that knowledge, see the deviation from the generic predictor impact (the fixed effect) and relate it to the traits of my species. However I see the following problem with that approach: If I have no knowledge of the species traits, or the species names are anonymous to me, it makes sense to treat the species-specific deviations as realizations of a random variable (principle of exchangeability). Once I know however the species used in the study and have the biological knowledge at hand, it does not make so much sense any more; I can predict whether for that particular species the generic predictor impact will be amplified, or not. That is, I can predict if more likely the draw from the assumed normal distribution of the random effects will be > 0, or < 0 - which is of course complete contradictory and nonsense if I assume I have a random draw from a N(0, sigma) distribution. Integrating the biological knowledge as fixed effect however might be tremendously difficult, as species traits can sometimes not readily be quantified in a numeric way. I could defer issue to the species traits and say, once the species evolved their traits were drawn randomly from a population. This however causes problems with ideas of evolution and phylogenetic relationships among the species.

Maybe my question can be rephrased the following way:
Does it ever make sense to _interpret_ the coefficients of the random effects for each group and link it to properties of the grouping variable? The assumption of a realization of a random variable seems to render that quite problematic. However, this means that the more ignorant I am , and the less knowledge I have, the more the random realization seems to become realistic - which is at odds with scientific investigations. Suppose the mixed model is one of the famous social sciences studies analysing pupil results on tests at different schools, with schools acting as grouping variable for a random effect intercept. If I have no knowledge about the schools, the random effect assumption makes sense. If I however investigate the schools in detail (either a priori or a posterior), say teaching quality of the teachers, socio-economic status of the school area etc, it will probably make sense to predict which ones will have pupils performing above average, and which below average. However then probably these factors leading me to the predictions should enter the model as fixed effects, and maybe I don't need and school random effect any more at all. But this means actually the school deviation from the global mean is not the realization of a random variable, but instead the result of something quite deterministic, but which is usually just unknown, or can only be measured with extreme, impractical efforts. So the process might not be random, just because so little is known about the process, the results appear as if they would be randomly drawn (from a larger population distribution). Again, is ignorance / lack of deeper knowledge the key to using random effects - and the more knowledge I have, the less ?

many thanks,

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