try this (and happy new year):

DF <- cbind("df1","df2",...,"df100")
result <- lapply(DF, function(.name){
    lsfit(get(.name)$A, get(.name)$B)
}), result)  # put into matrix

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Girish A.R. <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Wish y'all a Happy New Year 2010!
> I need some help with the following:
> Say I have lots of data sets, on which I have to apply a certain function
> on
> the same set of columns in each of the data set. Let's take, for ex, the
> typical data set is:
> df1 <-,rnorm(10)))
> names(df1)[1] <- "A"
> names(df1)[2] <- "B"
> There are many such data sets, df2,df3,... I have the names stored in a
> list
> DF <- cbind("df1","df2",...,"df100")
> I now need to apply the following function:
> a <- lsfit(df1$A,df1$B)
> and stack up the following results:
> a$coef
>  Intercept          X
> -0.1479750  0.2485416
> So, I would end up with as many rows as there are data sets.
> I think sapply would be the function I should be looking for (at least I
> have used it in the case of applying a function across different columns of
> the same data set), but for some reason I'm not able to nail down the final
> stages in this case.
> Earlier, I used something like the following in the case of applying a
> function across all columns(except the first) of the same data set:
> my.func <- function(x){
> mod <- lrm($y ~ x)
> data.frame(t(anova(mod)[1, ]), R2 = mod$stats[10])
> sapply([,-1],my.func)
> Where I need help is how to pass the reference of the names of the
> different
> data sets to the sapply funtion.
> Thanks!
> -Girish
> ====================================
> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)
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> locale:
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> States.1252
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> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] Formula_0.2-0    kinship_1.1.0-23 MASS_7.3-4       nlme_3.1-96
> plm_1.2-1
> [6] sandwich_2.2-4   splines_2.10.0   survival_2.35-8  tools_2.10.0
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