Ravi Varadhan <rvaradhan <at> jhmi.edu> writes:

> Interesting! 
> Now, if I change the "cost matrix", D,  in the LSAP formulation slightly
> such that it is quadratic, it finds the best solution to your example:

Dear Ravi,

I thought your solution is ingenious, but after the discussion with 
Erwin Kalvelagen I found two things quite irritating:

(1) Why is solve_LSAP(D) different from solve_LSAP(D^2) in Erwin's
    example? I believed just squaring the distance matrix would make
    no difference to solving the LSAP - except for some numerical
    instability which does not seem to be the case here.

(2) If you change rows and sums in the definition of D, that is

    D[j, i] <- sqrt(sum((B[, j] - A[, i])^2))

    then the solution to Erwin's example comes out right even with
    keeping the square root.

Do you have explanations for these 'phenomena'? Otherwise, I think,
there will remain some doubts about this approach.

Very best
Hans Werner

> pMatrix.min <- function(A, B) {
> # finds the permutation P of A such that ||PA - B|| is minimum
> # in Frobenius norm
> # Uses the linear-sum assignment problem (LSAP) solver
> # in the "clue" package
> # Returns P%*%A and the permutation vector `pvec' such that
> # A[pvec, ] is the permutation of A closest to B
>       n <- nrow(A)
>       D <- matrix(NA, n, n)
>       for (i in 1:n) {
>       for (j in 1:n) {
> #     D[j, i] <- sqrt(sum((B[j, ] - A[i, ])^2))
>       D[j, i] <- (sum((B[j, ] - A[i, ])^2))  # this is better
>       } }
> vec <- c(solve_LSAP(D))
> list(A=A[vec,], pvec=vec)
> }
>  > X<-pMatrix.min(A,B)
> > X$pvec
> [1] 6 1 3 2 4 5
> > dist(X$A, B)
> [1] 10.50172
> >
> This should be fine.  Any counter-examples to this?!
> Best,
> Ravi.
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor,
> Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
> School of Medicine
> Johns Hopkins University
> Ph. (410) 502-2619
> email: rvaradhan <at> jhmi.edu

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