On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:09 PM, david hilton shanabrook wrote:

I have a data frame with two columns, a factor and a numeric. I want to create data frame with the factor, its frequency and the median of the numeric column
 events     score
1  aeijm -0.25000000
2  begjm -0.25000000
3  afgjm -0.25000000
4  afhjm -0.25000000
5  aeijm -0.25000000
6  aehjm  0.08333333

To get the frequency table of events:

motifTable <- as.data.frame(table(motifList$events))
  Var1 Freq
1 aeijm  110
2 begjm   46
3 afgjm  337
4 afhjm  102
5 aehjm  190
6 adijm   18

Now get the score column back in.

motifTable2 <- merge(motifList, motifTable, by="events")
 events     percent freq
1  adgjm  0.00000000  111
2  adgjm          NA  111
3  adgjm  0.13333333  111
4  adgjm  0.06666667  111
5  adgjm -0.16666667  111
6  adgjm          NA  111

Then lastly to aggregate on the events column getting the median of the score
motifTable3 <- aggregate.data.frame(motifTable2, by=list(motifTable2$events), FUN=median, na.rm=TRUE)
Error in median.default(X[[1L]], ...) : need numeric data

Which gives the error as events are a factor. Can someone enlighten me to a more obvious approach?

I don't think grouping on a factor is the source of your error. You have NA's in your data and median will choke on those unless you specify na.rm=TRUE.


David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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