Thank you, David
Here is an example :

Z=matrix(rnorm(20), nrow=4)
index=replicate(4, sample(1:5, 3))
for (i in 1:P)
  tmp = Z[i,index[,i]]

So, I am trying to pull out the values in Z for each row, but now I only
want to pull out the values indexed by the matrix "index"
And, since I have large P, so I would like to avoid loop.
Any quick way to do this ?

Thanks again!!


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:39 PM, David Winsemius <>wrote:

> On Feb 4, 2010, at 9:51 PM, Carrie Li wrote:
>  Dear R-helpers ,
>> I have a simple loop as follows, however, to be more efficient, I would
>> like
>> to use any apply functions (tapply, I suppose)
>> But how can I do this ? I am not very clear about this.
>> # Z is a P * Q matrix
>> # so for each row of Z, I would like to pull out only some of the
>> elements,
>> and save as a separate matrix under a list
>> # index is a vector with length smaller than Q, but the index could be
>> different for each row of Z.
> An example would help. Sounds like you need a list structure to hold the
> index and I don't see that you have constructed one.
>> for (i in 1:P)
>> {
>>  tmp = matrix(Z[i, index], nrow=1)
> Seems as though you would need to "index" in a verb sense (with "i") the
> index (in a noun sense)  structure. Might be better to call it "idx".
> Perhaos
> tmp = matrix(Z[i, index[[i]] ], nrow=1)  # the nrow=1 appears superfluous
>   tmpr[[i]]=tmp
>> }
>  any help is highly appreciated!!
>> Thank you all
>> Carrie
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> Heritage Laboratories
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