Thanks for your help. Finally, I got it.


From: Dennis Murphy [] 
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 12:20 PM
To: Fang (Betty) Yang
Subject: Re: [R] sum a particular column by group



This is not an elegant solution by any means, but it gets what you
the data frame from your bootstrap sample,

# All combinations of the three factors
xx <- with(beds, expand.grid(Region = levels(Region), Gender =
               Agegr = levels(Agegr)) )
> dim(xx)
[1] 12  3                    # differs from the 16, but bootstrapping
probably explains it...
# One way to get a summary (there are others...)
yy <- ddply(beds, .(Region, Gender, Agegr), summarise, Nvisits =
res <- merge(xx, yy, all.x = TRUE)
res <- within(res, Nvisits[] <- 0)
> res
   Region Gender  Agegr Nvisits
1       O      F 55--59       5
2       O      F 60--64       0
3       O      M 55--59       0
4       O      M 60--64       0
5       S      F 55--59       0
6       S      F 60--64       0
7       S      M 55--59       0
8       S      M 60--64       6
9       W      F 55--59       0
10      W      F 60--64       0
11      W      M 55--59       0
12      W      M 60--64       2


On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Fang (Betty) Yang <>

Dear all,

I have a table like this:

> eds

 R.ID Region Gender  Agegr  Time nvisits

1    1      A             F          60--64   1:00       1

2    2      O            F          55--59    1:20       1

3    3      O            F           55--59   3:45       3

4    4      S            M         60--64    1:10       3

5    5      W          F           55--59   12:30       1

6    6      W          M          60--64   8:00       2

I got a bootstrap sample using the following code:

> r<-sample(eds[,1],replace=TRUE)

> r

[1] 2 4 3 2 6 4

> beds<-eds[r,]

> beds

   R.ID Region Gender  Agegr Time nvisits

2      2      O             F          55--59   1:20       1

4      4      S              M        60--64   1:10       3

3      3      O             F          55--59   3:45       3

2.1    2      O             F         55--59   1:20       1

6      6      W            M         60--64   8:00       2

4.1    4      S            M         60--64   1:10       3

I want to sum the last column by columns 2,3,and 4(including 0 in some
group).  I tried the following codes:

#1 : only get the freq, not the sum of the last column.

> table<,table(beds[,2],beds[,3],beds[,4])))

> table

  Var1 Var2   Var3 Freq

1     A    F 55--59    0

2     O    F 55--59    3

3     S    F 55--59    0

4     W    F 55--59    0

5     A    M 55--59    0

6     O    M 55--59    0

7     S    M 55--59    0

8     W    M 55--59    0

9     A    F 60--64    0

10    O    F 60--64    0

11    S    F 60--64    0

12    W    F 60--64    0

13    A    M 60--64    0

14    O    M 60--64    0

15    S    M 60--64    2

16    W    M 60--64    1

# 2: only got the sum the last column, but miss the group with 0 counts.

> aggregate(beds[,6],list(beds[,2],beds[,3],beds[,4]),sum)

 Group.1 Group.2 Group.3 x

1       O       F  55--59 5

2       S       M  60--64 6

3       W       M  60--64 2

In conclusion, the following is what I want:

  Var1 Var2   Var3 Freq

1     A    F 55--59    0

2     O    F 55--59    5

3     S    F 55--59    0

4     W    F 55--59    0

5     A    M 55--59    0

6     O    M 55--59    0

7     S    M 55--59    0

8     W    M 55--59    0

9     A    F 60--64    0

10    O    F 60--64    0

11    S    F 60--64    0

12    W    F 60--64    0

13    A    M 60--64    0

14    O    M 60--64    0

15    S    M 60--64    6

16    W    M 60--64    2

Does anyone know a code to do this or give a hint? Thank you in advance.


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