Dear Sir,
I really appreciate your suggestion. I was having the probelm of expressing my 
problem precisely. In fact in my earlier mail, I have tried to write my probelm 
in my initial few paras only. The rest content is my actual R code which I have 
written and its working fine except for the final output which I want to have 
in a particular form. I had produced the said R code as I thought it may be 
handy for someone who may be interested.
For me another option was to attach the related R code but I understand we are 
not supposed to send the attachments. 
It was a difficult for me to express my problem effectively in few lines. 
Please trust me that I had drafted it 2-3 times. I once again try to resend it 
without the related R code. I thought it may be useful to have this R code 
handy. But truely I sincerely apologize for the same and do appreciate the time 
contraints all the R helpers have. Please Forgive me.
Here is my probelm restated.
I have some variables say ABC, DEF, PQR, LMN and XYZ. I am choosing any three 
varaibles at random at a time for my analysis and name these files as 
input1.csv, input2.csv and input3.csv. So if I choose variables say ABC, DEF 
and PQR, I am passing the specifications of these variables to input1.csv, 
input2.csv and input3.csv respectively. 
This means in another case even if I choose say LMN, DEF and XYZ in this order, 
then my input1.csv will have details of LMN, input2.csv will have detaisl of 
DEF and input3.csv will have details of XYZ. Thus, I am keeping the (input) 
file names constant but the contents of each of these input files may change 
from one case to another case. 
As an example, my input files are as given below.
name1   value1
DEF         10
name2   value2   
LMN         8
name3   value3
PQR       7
## __________________________________________________________________
## The Problem
name1 = read.csv('input1.csv')$name1
value1 = read.csv('input1.csv')$value1

name2 = read.csv('input2.csv')$name2
value2 = read.csv('input2.csv')$value2

name3 = read.csv('input3.csv')$name3
value3 = read.csv('input3.csv')$value3
# (Thus if 1st variable chosen is DEF, then name1 = DEF, value1 = 10. Had I 
chosen some otehr variable, then name1 and value1 will have different values).
Then I carry out my analysis and get the output as given below.
Scenario_and_range            names             values
Sc_1 (DEF LMN PQR)         name1             10.04
Sc_1 (DEF LMN PQR)         name2               8.21
Sc_1 (DEF LMN PQR)         name3               7.23

Sc_2 (DEF LMN PQR)         name1               9.96
Sc_2 (DEF LMN PQR)         name2               8.47
Sc_2 (DEF LMN PQR)         name3               7.40
The values appearing in the third column are the random nos. generated using 
the base rate 10, 8 and 7 respectively. 

My probelm is I know name1 pertains to DEF, name2 pertains to LMN and name3 
pertains to PQR. But in the output I am not able to replace name1 with DEF, 
name2 with LMN and so on i.e. I cannot hardcode the varaible names in 
data.frame as name1 = DEF, name2 = LMN etc as these names are going to change 
frome case to case. My objective is to get the names (in column 2 of above 
table) same as respective names (appearing in 1st column) in its order i.e. 
instead of name1, I should get DEF, in place of name2, I should get LMN and in 
place of name3, I should get PQR. 
Hence, my output should be like -
Scenario_and_range            names             values
Sc_1 (DEF LMN PQR)         DEF                10.04
Sc_1 (DEF LMN PQR)         LMN                  8.21
Sc_1 (DEF LMN PQR)         PQR                  7.23

Sc_2 (DEF LMN PQR)         DEF                   9.96
Sc_2 (DEF LMN PQR)         LMN                   8.47
Sc_2 (DEF LMN PQR)         PQR                   7.40


--- On Wed, 2/10/10, Dieter Menne <> wrote:

From: Dieter Menne <>
Subject: Re: [R] Readjusting the OUTPUT csv file
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 8:02 AM

Amelia wrote a few hundreds of lines ....

This is too much reading. Please try to reduce you problem to 30 lines, and
make the example self-contained (your data are not available). In 80% of the
cases, the problem is self-resolved after it has been made self-contained.


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