I write about R every weekday at the Revolutions blog:
and every month I post a summary of articles from the previous month
of particular interest to readers of r-help.

http://bit.ly/9GoTVd announced the availability on YouTube of "What is
R", a 4-part video based on a recent webcast I hosted.

http://bit.ly/bVSSaH announced a webinar I hosted on REvolution's
debugger for R (a recorded replay is now available).

http://bit.ly/b86kGB seeks a Parallel Computing developer to work at
REvolution Computing.

http://bit.ly/9i2qeO reviewed an application of R to create social
networks from 10Gb of phone call data.

http://bit.ly/bPwsfz linked to a slide presentation by Ryan Rosario
explaining the base graphics system in R.

http://bit.ly/9MPlec updated a previous geographic visualization of an
election, illustrating that color scales do matter.

http://bit.ly/aOmo1z noted the great lineup for R/Finance 2010 in
Chicago (register now!).

http://bit.ly/cMkjDa reviewed CRAN packages released and updated in
January & February.

http://bit.ly/cXiO8H linked to information about Frank Harrell's rms.
and Hmisc packages, and his upcoming course.

http://bit.ly/bZ6dLI linked to a story about creating a cluster in
Amazon EC2 for parallel computations with the multicore package.

http://bit.ly/bvkiQ2 gave some examples of creating pretty HTML and
LaTeX tables with the xtable package.

http://bit.ly/9M508I showed how to create a mosaic plot (or treemap) in R.

http://bit.ly/coPTj9 noted media attention for the R Project, named as
2010 Editor's Choice at Intelligent Enterprise.

http://bit.ly/aK7PAU linked to Dirk Eddelbuettel's presentation about
the Rcpp interface for C++ code in R.

http://bit.ly/bzPaII linked to some useful tips on speeding up R code
with the Rprof function.

http://bit.ly/9u5Fwv linked to a useful introduction to R's basic
object types (vectors, data frames, etc.)

http://bit.ly/dbaGau linked to a Sudoku solver for R (using a
different method than the sudoko package)

http://bit.ly/cucF8I noted that Tex Hull, co-founder of SPSS, has
joined the team at REvolution Computing.

http://bit.ly/btmKQO linked Salvio Rodrigues at the Open Source blog,
who found that Robert Gentelman's appointment to the REvolution Board
was "a great impetus ... to look at R again".

Other non-R-specific posts in the past month covered a newspaper
miscalculating a simple probability (http://bit.ly/a8ZRLV), the fate
of the employees of the collapsed megabucks (http://bit.ly/bPIYXy) and
(on a lighter note) Carl Sagan singing again, this time about
evolution (http://bit.ly/a7d2sr), and visualizing what happens when
you reply-all to an email list (http://bit.ly/cuLaNh).

The R Community Calendar has also been updated at:

If you're looking for more articles about R, you can find summaries
from previous months at http://bit.ly/dt1AZe . Join the REvolution
mailing list at http://bit.ly/bOISmy to be alerted to new articles on
a monthly basis.

As always, thanks for the comments and please keep sending suggestions
to me at da...@revolution-computing.com . Don't forget you can also
follow the blog using an RSS reader like Google Reader, or by
following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid).

Kind regards to all,
# David Smith

David M Smith <da...@revolution-computing.com>
VP of Marketing, REvolution Computing  http://blog.revolution-computing.com
Tel: +1 (650) 330-0553 x205 (Palo Alto, CA, USA)

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