Hi everybody,
Trying to test for the effect of fixed factors in a generalized linear mixed model, I face the problem of mcmc not yet implemented with such models. I would like to know if there is any equivalent procedure to that applied on lme ( "lmer" followed with "mcmc sampling" and "aovlmer.fnc") ?
Thanks in advance for answers


Marie-Agnès Coutellec
UMR INRA-Agrocampus Ouest 985 ESE
Equipe Ecotoxicologie et Qualité des Milieux Aquatiques
65 rue de Saint-Brieuc - CS 84215
35042 Rennes cedex - FRANCE

tél.: +33(0)2 23 48 52 48
fax:  +33(0)2 23 48 54 40

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