Dear R'ers,

When I used S-plus i wrote a small program for a Mantel-Haenszel test  
for trend (I think it worked). Unfortunately I can't get it working in  
It appears as if my use of 'el' is the problem but I can't sort it out.

Error in apply(array, c(, 2, 3), function(el) el * 1:s) :
   argument is missing, with no default

Further down in the program I use 'el' as well

Can this be sorted out?


"mantel.ext.test" <-
# Mantel-Extension Test  -- Testing for trend in the presence of
# confounding ref. Rosner : Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 5th
# ed, page 606-609
# array is an 3-dim array with as many strata (last dimension)
# you like case-control as second dimension and the dimension
# for which a trend should be tested as the first dimension
# Example:
# snoring <- array(c(196, 223, 103, 603, 486, 232, 188, 313,
# 232, 348, 383, 206), c(3,2,2))
# dimnames(snoring) <- list(age = c('30-39', '40-49', '50-60'), #  
status = c('Case', 'Control'), sex = c('Women', 'Men'))
# mantel.ext.test(snoring)
#   Data: snoring
# , , Women
#       Case Control
# 30-39  196     603
# 40-49  223     486
# 50-60  103     232
# , , Men
#       Case Control
# 30-39  188     348
# 40-49  313     383
# 50-60  232     206
# The trend of snoring with age , controlling for sex , has a
# Mantel-Extension-test chi-square = 35.06 (df = 1 ) p-value = 0
#  Effect is " increasing " with increasing age
     s <- dim(array)[1]
     O <- sum(apply(apply(array, c(, 2, 3), function(el) el * 1:s)[,  
1,  ], 2, sum))
     tot <- apply(array, c(3), sum) <- apply(array, c(2, 3), sum)[1,  ]
     E <- sum((apply(apply(apply(array, c(1, 3), sum), 2, function(
         el) el * 1:s), 2, sum) *
     s1 <- apply(apply(apply(array, c(1, 3), sum), 2, function(el)
     el * 1:s), 2, sum, simplify = F)
     s2 <- apply(apply(apply(array, c(1, 3), sum), 2, function(el)
     el * (1:s)^2), 2, sum)
     V <- sum(( * (tot - * (tot * s2 - s1^2))/(tot^
         2 * (tot - 1)))
     A <- abs(O - E) - 0.5
     chi2 <- (abs(O - E) - 0.5)^2/V
     p <- 1 - pchisq(chi2, 1)
     incr <- ifelse(A > 0, "increasing", "decreasing")
     cat("\n", "Data:", deparse(substitute(array)), "\n")
     cat("\n", "The trend of", deparse(substitute(array)), "with",
         attr(dimnames(array), "names")[1], ", controlling for",
         attr(dimnames(array), "names")[3], ",", "has a", "\n",
         "Mantel-Extension-test chi-square =", round(chi2, 3),
         "(df =", 1, ")", "p-value =", round(p, 6), "\n",
         "Effect is \"", incr, "\" with increasing", attr(
         dimnames(array), "names")[1], "\n")



Fredrik Lundgren

Engelbrektsgatan 31
582 21 Linköping
tel             013 - 47 30 117
mob     0706 - 86 39 29

Sommarhus: Ljungnäs 158
380 30 Rockneby
0480 - 650 98

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