In the end after going at it from scratch...This worked out allright...

##set up data<-seq(0,100,10)
##summarise by another variable


On 6. apr. 2010, at 21.41, David Winsemius wrote:

> On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:30 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 2010, at 9:56 AM, moleps islon wrote:
>>> OK... next question.. Which is still a data manipulation problem so I
>>> believe the heading is still OK.
>>> ##So now I read my population data from excel.
>> No, you read it from a text file and providing the first ten lines of that 
>> text file should have been really easy. Read the Posting Guide for advice 
>> about offering datasets either as structure() objects with dput or dump or 
>> as attached files with "*.txt" extension (not .csv). Just change the file 
>> name with your file browser.
>>> pop<-read.csv("pop.csv")
>>> typeof(pop) ## yields a list
>> Really? I would have guessed it to yield just "list".
>>> where I have age-specific population rows
>>> and a yearly column population, where the years are suffixed by X
>> And had you used class(pop) you would have learned it was a dataframe and 
>> even more informative would have been str(pop).
>>> c<-(1953:2008)
>> No, no, no. Do not use variable names that are important function names. The 
>> R interpreter can (usually) keep things straight but it is our brains that 
>> experience problems.  Other  function names to avoid: data, df, cut, mean, 
>> sd, list, vector, matrix
>>> names(pop)<-c
>>> c.div<-cut(c,break=seq(1950,2010,by=5)
>> (You should have gotten an error here.) After fixing the error, did you you 
>> notice that there were only 3 of the first level???
>> Watch out for cut(). It uses the default convention of ( , ] , i.e. open 
>> interval at right
>                                                                      er,      
>       ^left^
>> which is backwards to what some (most?) of us think natural. Because of that 
>> the lowest level gets dropped unless you take special precautions.  That is 
>> undoubtedly why Harrell set up his Hmisc::cut2 to have the default be [ , )
>> Aggregating across columns? Certainly possible, but maybe not as natural a 
>> fit to functions like split as would occur with working across rows. I 
>> suppose you could use something like this untested (because _still_ no 
>> sample dataset provided) code:
>> apply(pop, 1,    # this works a row a time
>>   function(x) tapply(x, list(c.div), sum) ) )  # or use aggregate which uses 
>> tapply
>> I'm not sure it will work, since I don't know if the column names would get 
>> carried over into "x" by apply(). You might need to create a separate index 
>> that used the numeric positions of the columns rather than their names. 
>> Perhaps use c.div <-  seq(0,(2008-1953)) %/% 5  or some such inside tapply.
>>> Now I'd like to sum the agespecific population over the individual
>>> levels of -c.div- and generate a new table for this with agespecific
>>> rows and columns containing the 5-year bins instead of the original
>>> yearly data. Do I have to program this from scratch or is it possible
>>> to use an already existing function?
>> I think you ought to read more introductory material (and the Posting Guide 
>> regarding how to offer example datasets). In this case there are many 
>> functions that do data aggregation and most of them should be illustrated in 
>> a good introductory text.
>> -- 
>> David.
>>> //M
>>> qta<- table(cut(age,breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 10),include.lowest =
>>> TRUE),cut(year,breaks=seq(1950,2010,by=5),include.lowest=TRUE
>>> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 10:11 PM, moleps <> wrote:
>>>> Thx Erik,
>>>> I have no idea what went wrong with the other code snippet, but this one 
>>>> works.. Appreciate it.
>>>> qta<- table(cut(age,breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 10),include.lowest = 
>>>> TRUE),cut(year,breaks=seq(1950,2010,by=5),include.lowest=TRUE))
>>>> M
>>>> On 5. apr. 2010, at 21.45, Erik Iverson wrote:
>>>>> I don't know what your data are like, since you haven't given a 
>>>>> reproducible example. I was imagining something like:
>>>>> ## generate fake data
>>>>> age <- sample(20:90, 100, replace = TRUE)
>>>>> year <- sample(1950:2000, 100, replace = TRUE)
>>>>> ##look at big table
>>>>> table(age, year)
>>>>> ## categorize data
>>>>> ## see include.lowest and right arguments to cut
>>>>> age.factor <- cut(age, breaks = seq(20, 90, by = 10),
>>>>>               include.lowest = TRUE)
>>>>> year.factor <- cut(year, breaks = seq(1950, 2000, by = 10),
>>>>>                include.lowest = TRUE)
>>>>> table(age.factor, year.factor)
>>>>> moleps wrote:
>>>>>> I already did try the regression modeling approach. However the 
>>>>>> epidemiologists (referee) turns out to be quite fond of comparing the 
>>>>>> incidence rates to different standard populations, hence the need for 
>>>>>> this labourius approach. And trying the "cutting" approach I ended up 
>>>>>> with :
>>>>>>> table (age5)
>>>>>> age5
>>>>>> (0,5]   (5,10]  (10,15]  (15,20]  (20,25]  (25,30]  (30,35]  (35,40]  
>>>>>> (40,45]  (45,50]  (50,55]  (55,60]  (60,65]  (65,70] (70,75]  (75,80]  
>>>>>> (80,85] (85,100]       35       34       33       47       51      109   
>>>>>>    157      231      362      511    745      926     1002      866      
>>>>>> 547      247       82       18
>>>>>>> table (yr5)
>>>>>> yr5
>>>>>> (1950,1955] (1955,1960] (1960,1965] (1965,1970] (1970,1975] (1975,1980] 
>>>>>> (1980,1985] (1985,1990] (1990,1995] (1995,2000] (2000,2005] (2005,2009]  
>>>>>>          3           5           5           5           5           5   
>>>>>>         5           5         5           5           5           3
>>>>>>> table (yr5,age5)
>>>>>> Error in table(yr5, age5) : all arguments must have the same length
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> M
>>>>>> On 5. apr. 2010, at 20.59, Bert Gunter wrote:
>>>>>>> You have tempted, and being weak, I yield to temptation:
>>>>>>> "Any good ideas?"
>>>>>>> Yes. Don't do this.
>>>>>>> (what you probably really want to do is fit a model with age as a 
>>>>>>> factor,
>>>>>>> which can be done statistically e.g. by logistic regression; or 
>>>>>>> graphically
>>>>>>> using conditioning plots, e.g. via trellis graphics (the lattice 
>>>>>>> package).
>>>>>>> This avoids the arbitrariness and discontinuities of binning by age 
>>>>>>> range.)
>>>>>>> Bert Gunter
>>>>>>> Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>>> [] On
>>>>>>> Behalf Of moleps
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 11:46 AM
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Subject: [R] Data manipulation problem
>>>>>>> Dear R´ers.
>>>>>>> I´ve got a dataset with age and year of diagnosis. In order to
>>>>>>> age-standardize the incidence I need to transform the data into a matrix
>>>>>>> with age-groups (divided in 5 or 10 years) along one axis and year 
>>>>>>> divided
>>>>>>> into 5 years along the other axis. Each cell should contain the number 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> cases for that age group and for that period.
>>>>>>> I.e.
>>>>>>> My data format now is
>>>>>>> ID-age (to one decimal)-year(yearly data).
>>>>>>> What I´d like is
>>>>>>> age 1960-1965 1966-1970 etc...
>>>>>>> 0-5 3 8 10 15
>>>>>>> 6-10 2 5 8 13
>>>>>>> etc..
>>>>>>> Any good ideas?
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> M
> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT

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