Good Day,

I have several ASCII data files that I would like to import into R. They all have a SAS import file which is used to bring the data into SAS and I am hoping to use this to bring the data into R. There are lots of variables involved and the ASCII data file is 2308 columns long so I would certainly prefer to figure out a smart way of converting the data to R.

The ASCII data is a long stream of numbers (no field separators or delimiters) while the SAS import file looks like:

libname mine 'c:\';
data mine.fh4;
infile 'd:\fh4.txt' lrecl=2309;
   perstat1 $1-2
   linenum $3-4
   I_wave1 $5-5
   bnocost1 $6-10
   bnosta1 $11-12

So SAS uses the position of the ASCII character to determine what variable the data should be in while the SCAN or the READ. FWF function of R uses the width of the column.

Does anyway have a smart and/or automated way of moving my ASCII data into R using this .SAS program ?

-Don Don Catanzaro, PhD Landscape Ecologist
16144 Sigmond Lane
Lowell, AR 72745

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