Michael Dykes wrote:
So, am i wrong to /assume /that the reasons my professor is asking us to find a high R^2 & adjusted R^2, low Cp (near what p+1, if i remember correctly), low PRESS, & AIC is b/c the data is randomly generated (b/c he has stated that all of the data for *all *of these hw assignments are randomly generated)? And i am not /exactly /sure to what you are referring when you say: 'low signal to noise ratios'. Do you mean /low /R^2 to epsilon_i's? or /low /predictors to epsilon i's? Please excuse my ignorance in these matters, but I am not only asking these questions for hw sakes's but for my future, as I hope to study for the actuarial exams & take the Probability Test sometime either next Spring or Summer [after taking this professors Calculus-based Prob & Stat sequence in the coming Fall & Spring Semester].

Thanks again for your help, Professor.

Let me just add that a valid test of whether any of the variables or interactions is associated with Y is to formulate a model with all the parameters in it and to use the global F test.

Stepwise techniques such as you are being asked to use are not scientific. If the true R^2 (which you do not know) is not high, the low signal:noise ratio makes the data incapable to telling you the "right" variables to include with any reliability. Unfortunately, most teachers of statistics do not understand this point, so you might be graded off for providing the right answer.


On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:26 AM, Frank E Harrell Jr <f.harr...@vanderbilt.edu <mailto:f.harr...@vanderbilt.edu>> wrote:

    Michael Dykes wrote:

        I have a project due in my Linear Regression class re:
        regression on a data
        set & my professor gave us a hint that there were *exactly *2 sig
        interactions. The data set is attached. We have to find which
        predictors are
        significant, & which 2 interactions are sig. Also, I nedd some
        guidance for
        this & selecting the best model. I tried the `full' model, that
        z=lm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4+x1*x2+x2*x3...+x3*x4). I then ran an anova(z), &
        summary(z). My R^2 & R^2_a were *really* low. I am not sure how
        to do PRESS,
        AIC & Cp in R yet though. Any help would be appreciated.

    Michael this is not really the place for help on homework other than
    perhaps on technical roadblocks.  Note that the strategy you are
    being told to follow is one whose statistical properties have been
    severely criticized in the statistical literature.  Only with a very
    high signal to noise ratio (e.g., high true R^2) can torturing data
    lead to a confession to something other than what the analyst wants
    to hear.  I suppose that in simulated data there is a "true" model
    out there waiting to be found, but beware of using this approach
    with real data with low signal to noise ratios.


-- Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chairman School of Medicine
                        Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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